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Banned for mic spam - Printable Version

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Banned for mic spam - Chubbs - 12-31-2021

Your Name: Chubbs

Your SteamID : STEAM_0:1:130216790

Reason for ban: Minge/NITRP/Micspam/PO

Length of ban:  4 days 23 hours (2022-01-05 22:07:01)

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute

Why should you be unbanned? Doing /me turns on boom box  | /me turns on car radio then playing 1980's music is not micspam to my knowledge, I have done it countless of times before WITH staff in my car, i have made countless tickets on people "mic spamming" then staff responding with "Hes roleplaying playing a boombox" - Hue. Hoovis the staff that banned me, treated me with disrespect and overall incompetence. See you on the forums. Next time mention why the /mes are incorrect instead of threatening me and then returning me.....

Minging - I was never minging, No one ever called me and minge and i was enjoying my time with Tony and Chu Ming, We were all having fun and no problems were started. 

Minge = Someone who refuses to follow roleplay

Never Minged, Followed Roleplay during my whole 20 Minute session of playing the server, Did all the correct /mes for everything.

NITRP - During the whole situation i roleplayed and did my EMS Duty. Not a singular problem was aroused during my play session.

Extra - To Hoovis. Stop running around with a stick in your ass, just cause you are staff does not allow you to treat others with disrespect.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Ask if you need any, of any situation. But the /mes can be found in logs.

RE: Banned for mic spam - Pendred - 12-31-2021

The banning staff member is currently compiling his evidence that justifies the main reason for the ban, and will reply with it shorty.

Note I encouraged him to ban you after I saw a FailRP advertisement posted by you. You have broken a significant number of rules recently, on top of being removed from staff. Which you are lucky was not a permanent ban in itself, as you were warned before acceptence that if you break rules or abuse, it would be a permanent ban. It seems you are headed down that road anyway.

RE: Banned for mic spam - Chubbs - 12-31-2021

First of all, Of course im not trying to get a Perma ban as i do play this server actively. If the advertisement i posted is "FailRP" It would be nice for the staff to bring me to a sit or to tell me that the advertisement is FailRP, Not instantly ban me for the advertisement, Im mentioning this as this never happened.

RE: Banned for mic spam - Pendred - 12-31-2021

(12-31-2021, 10:30 PM)Chubbs Wrote: First of all, Of course im not trying to get a Perma ban as i do play this server actively. If the advertisement i posted is "FailRP" It would be nice for the staff to bring me to a sit or to tell me that the advertisement is FailRP, Not instantly ban me for the advertisement, Im mentioning this as this never happened.
You've served twice as a staff member, you lead your own faction, and you're an active player. There's no excuse for not knowing. Like I said, that was not the main ban reason, just the straw that broke the camels back. I merely encouraged Hoovis after hearing about what you'd been up to, and then seeing it myself.

RE: Banned for mic spam - Chubbs - 12-31-2021

(12-31-2021, 10:26 PM)Pendred Wrote: The banning staff member is currently compiling his evidence that justifies the main reason for the ban, and will reply with it shorty.

Note I encouraged him to ban you after I saw a FailRP advertisement posted by you. You have broken a significant number of rules recently, on top of being removed from staff. Which you are lucky was not a permanent ban in itself, as you were warned before acceptence that if you break rules or abuse, it would be a permanent ban. It seems you are headed down that road anyway.

(12-31-2021, 10:33 PM)Pendred Wrote:
(12-31-2021, 10:30 PM)Chubbs Wrote: First of all, Of course im not trying to get a Perma ban as i do play this server actively. If the advertisement i posted is "FailRP" It would be nice for the staff to bring me to a sit or to tell me that the advertisement is FailRP, Not instantly ban me for the advertisement, Im mentioning this as this never happened.
You've served twice as a staff member, you lead your own faction, and you're an active player. There's no excuse for not knowing. Like I said, that was not the main ban reason, just the straw that broke the camels back. I merely encouraged Hoovis after hearing about what you'd been up to, and then seeing it myself.

Even though i may have been staff twice, lead my own faction or be active. I still deserve the same respect as all the other players and get brought into a sit. Me doing something wrong without my knowledge then getting banned or warned for it without a sit is unfair in my eyes. Apart from that if that is not the real ban reason. May i be informed on what the actual ban reason is? The only thing that i may have done wrong was playing a "Boom box" inside of PD, But when warned i stopped.

RE: Banned for mic spam - Hoovis - 12-31-2021

I warned you before the server restarted (before 5 PM EST) that despite doing any "/me plays boombox" if I caught you micspamming again I would ban you. I caught you micspamming again. (https://streamable.com/jjfnyj)
As for the minge/NITRP, the micspam, plus your general lack of effort to roleplay seriously in any way (https://i.imgur.com/rS6nG0w.png) such as an advertisement a "Chief Paramedic" would never publicly make if he was being serious, or you tazer spamming inside the PD which FishMan can attest to, as he also witnessed it. I didn't know tazing cops (https://i.imgur.com/BfHFAzg.png) or micspamming was part of doing your "EMS duty".
As for the PO, you have 7 previous bans, most of which are centered around some form of NITRP.

RE: Banned for mic spam - Chubbs - 12-31-2021

(12-31-2021, 10:42 PM)Hoovis Wrote: I warned you before the server restarted (before 5 PM EST) that despite doing any "/me plays boombox" if I caught you micspamming again I would ban you. I caught you micspamming again. (https://streamable.com/jjfnyj)
As for the minge/NITRP, the micspam, plus your general lack of effort to roleplay seriously in any way (https://i.imgur.com/rS6nG0w.png) such as an advertisement a "Chief Paramedic" would never publicly make if he was being serious, or you tazer spamming inside the PD which FishMan can attest to, as he also witnessed it.  I didn't know tazing cops (https://i.imgur.com/BfHFAzg.png) or micspamming was part of doing your "EMS duty".
As for the PO, you have 7 previous bans, most of which are centered around some form of NITRP.
First of all the micspam, Once again i have been doing this for a complete while now before with COUNTLESS staff in my car. Its not Micspam if you do the correct /mes which you forgot to mention in the video.
I did the correct /mes then started to play the music, You can also see in the video that the music is from the 1980's making it RP friendly and im not blaring it trying to bust other peoples ears.

Now for the NITRP / Minge / Advertisment, I find the advertisement appealing and orginal, The only "Minge / NITRP" I can see in that advertisement is the PD part, where i called them Gay and smelly. This could have been fixed with you bringing me to a sit or explaining that is not okay and if you wish to bring up that "such as an advertisement a "Chief Paramedic" would never publicly make if he was being serious" That Would be a IC issue where you can report me to my higher ups if you felt that the advertisement was not serious.

Tazing cops and fucking around with the NYPD. In the NYPD everyone who i was tazing was a friend of mine and they tried to taze me back. We got into Fist fights, They restrained me and then made fun of me. Cause we are all friends and having fun on the server, No one was harmed in the situation, I wasn't running around the streets tazing everyone i can see. It was friends fucking around and everyone having fun. If you wish to set down this punishment onto me, It would be only fair if you set down the same punishment of "NITRP" on all the cops that kept punching me, surrounding me in corners and killing me, restraining me to steal my "coke" and of course tazing me.
The Chu Ming situation - Chu Ming and me were fucking around and having fun, as seen in the clip
No harm was made to anyone or to any officers of the PD. Chu Ming got reinstated into the PD and everyone was fucking around with him and so was I. Once again if this was any major thing or anyone made a ticket on me for "NITRP" This could have been solved with a sit, not a silent ban. Once again if Chu Ming truly wanted me to stop and felt like i was abusing, he could have just arrested me, made a report, got me removed from my position. But instead he started to punch me, laugh and take out his camera with the phrase of "gathering evidence"

If you need anything else, Proof etc. Feel free to DM me - Chubbs#1001 I can provide more proof on certain situations.

Also when you told me you would catch me Mic spamming me again, I stopped. The only time i played music was in my car with the correct /mes. I have done it COUNTLESS of times before, So its only reasonable for me to do it again.

RE: Banned for mic spam - Fish Man - 12-31-2021

As Hoovis said. I witnessed most of the situation(s).

In regards to the mic spam. I personally witnessed you run around PD playing Rasputin by Boney M
Yes. You may have made a /me. But that doesn't justify you running around minging and disrupting police roleplay
As seen in one of the clips. You were sitting in your ambulance with a random player. and began mic spamming yet again.
Micspamming is against the rules, A /me does not change that. especially if paired with mingy behaviour

I personally also witnessed you minging with your taser (As the logs also attest). You were running around tasing an officer for seemingly no reason.
Nothing I witnessed resembled roleplay in any capacity. Your behavior was unacceptable

I disagree with your accusations of Hoovis acting unprofessionally. From what I witnessed. He was very professional and did not use any derogatory nor insulting terms towards you. I only heard him say something along the lines of "If I catch you micspamming again, I will ban you for 5 days". Although it may have happened prior. And you are welcome to file a staff report if you so wish.
I did hear you tell Hoovis to commit suicide several times though. And that is frankly immature
Happy New Year, - Fish Man

RE: Banned for mic spam - Chubbs - 12-31-2021

(12-31-2021, 11:06 PM)Fish Man Wrote: Hello.
As Hoovis said. I witnessed most of the situation(s).

In regards to the mic spam. I personally witnessed you run around PD playing Rasputin by Boney M
Yes. You may have made a /me. But that doesn't justify you running around minging and disrupting police roleplay
As seen in one of the clips. You were sitting in your ambulance with a random player. and began mic spamming yet again.
Micspamming is against the rules, A /me does not change that. especially if paired with mingy behaviour

I personally also witnessed you minging with your taser (As the logs also attest). You were running around tasing an officer for seemingly no reason.
Nothing I witnessed resembled roleplay in any capacity. Your behavior was unacceptable

I disagree with your accusations of Hoovis acting unprofessionally. From what I witnessed. He was very professional and did not use any derogatory nor insulting terms towards you. I only heard him say something along the lines of "If I catch you micspamming again, I will ban you for 5 days". Although it may have happened prior. And you are welcome to file a staff report if you so wish.
I did hear you tell Hoovis to commit suicide several times though. And that is frankly immature
Happy New Year, - Fish Man

First of all, You were in a car with me COUNTLESS of times while i played music. The part where i ran around playing music in the PD, i can understand that, that was mingy and when i got warned i stopped. But the car situation i NEVER got warned for, Multiple staff allowed me to play music in my car with the correct /mes and if the music is not Micspammy, For example. DraggyDx, Soler and Hue These are all staff members that either told me i can or have been in a car with me when i "mic spammed", You as well.
Indeed i did curse at Hoovis due to him complaining to me about the Micspam when i thought i was in the right, but i do not claim my self to tell him to kill him self, If i did my apologies.

"I personally also witnessed you minging with your taser (As the logs also attest). You were running around tazing an officer for seemingly no reason.
Nothing I witnessed resembled roleplay in any capacity. Your behaviour was unacceptable"
- If you would like to point out the name of the officer it would be very nice so i can explain the situation at hand, instead of yous once again just blindly banning me. You banned me for tazing Chu Ming, and i gave context. What other context do you need? And there was no roleplay going on with the Chu Ming situation, We were talking about OOC things and one of the cops involved literally started making monkey noises, You reached hard enough to get me banned and removed, no need to reach any harder Mr Fish.

Staff report - Frankly i would file a staff report on both Hoovis and You, But due to the respect i have received from the Staff team and the community recently, I have don't have the will power to file one out.

Last thing - You said i told Hoovis to commit suicide. You lied, I reviewed all my clips of the situation. All that was said from me was "Your a shitty fucking admin" "Faggot". Once again, if any words like that were said, I apologise for it and i wish for you to provide proof of me saying those things.

RE: Banned for mic spam - Hue - 01-01-2022

Don't comment on ban appeals you are not directly involved with.