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PK appeal - Printable Version

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PK appeal - hhhh - 12-31-2021

Name of Character: Caeser Dominici

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:139825365

Date of PK: I was made pk active on 30/20/2021 (https://imgur.com/WFyWiek)

Reason for PK: (Approved by Underboss) Breaking Family Rules ; Suspected Rat (https://imgur.com/WGlE4S3)

Why should you be unPK'd?: 2 days ago, I was really bored and wanted to make a new character and try join a faction that I haven't been in before, so I made Caeser Dominici. I saw a lot of people in front of imperial apartments so I asked for a job. For my first day, I was sitting in front of the entrance for about 3-4 hours. I met most of the employee's online at that time and haven't had a single bad interaction with any of them. On my second day of playing the char, I went there early and worked as a security guard again for around 3 hours and made 20K+ total. I was then called upstairs shortly before the map change and Ant, the one who approved my pk, whitelisted me to the faction and invited me to their discord. He then told me that someone would come teach me a few things after the map change. After the map change, a guy I knew as "Vinny" (Vincenzo Rizzo) brings me to the oil NPC and asks me to buy a shipment (1). Shortly after, we go back to the imperial and sit in front of the entrance for a few minutes until "Ant" asks "Snubby" to show me the ropes (2) & Clip 1. I don't have a clip for this one, but basically 3-4 of us went for a walk around the park and went up to city hall then stopped at a gun shop, then some of us had to go pick oil shipments so we all went in separate directions and agreed to meet up at the casino in city hall after we were done. After picking up my oil shipment (3), I went back to city hall and "Snubby" wasn't there. After looking through console, I see that "Snubby" disconnected while we were picking up our shipments (4). Since I couldn't find him, I switched chars and but went back on it later to keep ordering oil shipments with the money I had and buy weed bricks to process (5). Before starting the deal and processing, I changed my clothing and put a bandana on, which can be seen in Clip 2.

(1) https://imgur.com/s2DLneM

(2) https://imgur.com/zmXJNz6

(3) https://imgur.com/5Yno7aF

(4) https://imgur.com/Bx2L9jZ

(5) https://imgur.com/3T9XgJZ

Clips :

1) I order the oil and go back to the Imperial with Vincenzo, then Ant tells Snubby to show me the ropes.


2) This is after I picked up my second shipment of oil and was done processing all the weed I had. (Couldn't clip the moment were I changed my clothing)


After clip 2), Alexander Belucchio tells me to hop on because he needs me for something. At that point I knew I was being PKed because I could see the staff tickets, I still hopped on that char and waited for him at the imperial lobby for around 10-15 minutes, until I went with him and 2 other guys to a warehouse were they killed me. (https://imgur.com/t9wdNq9)

When the pk was done, I asked him to join my vc so I could talk with him before being kicked from the discord.

We talked for around 10 minutes about why I was PKed. He explained to me that I was breaking family rules by processing drugs, I responded to that by letting him know that I was never initiated, told about any illegal business or even aware of what "the family" was in character. After a few seconds of silence I ask him to show me the rule that says I can't process drugs, he starts looking for it and after a few minutes he tells me he can't find it.

Faction Rules : https://imgur.com/mMG8MI7

Extra : The 2 guys that PKed me, chilling in a VC during the PK (https://imgur.com/H0UPrMe)

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: ^^ABOVE^^

To resume it all, I was PKed 5 hours after being whitelisted, for breaking the rules of a family that I didn't know existed in character. The rule that I broke doesn't exist either, because I'm not sure how you expect people to pay kickups of 20k to 50k a week only from oil shipments. The faction also has a Heroin racket so I really don't understand how trading drugs is not allowed. I have nothing to say for the "suspected rat" part, the character was PKed less than 2 days after being created.

RE: PK appeal - Romullus - 12-31-2021

You being pked for a rule you never knew was never brought up during the pk sit, neither was your rank or its meaning. The reason itself was valid for a pk but due to information you have provided, which "Ant" didn't provide you will be unpked.

I don't know what you will do when your unpked from a pkit hit your own family put on you, but thats your issue.

RE: PK appeal - hhhh - 12-31-2021

(12-31-2021, 11:21 PM)Romullus Wrote: You being pked for a rule you never knew was never brought up during the pk sit, neither was your rank or its meaning. The reason itself was valid for a pk but due to information you have provided, which "Ant" didn't provide you will be unpked.

I don't know what you will do when your unpked from a pkit hit your own family put on you, but thats your issue.

im probably just gonna delete the char

RE: PK appeal - ZOOMER - 01-01-2022

Hello, as per the Admin's request, the PK will be revoked.

Thank you for taking the time to create an appeal. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact our respective staff.

Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.