Diverge Networks
James "Cash" Jackson Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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James "Cash" Jackson Ban Appeal - 1brandosa - 01-23-2022

Your Name: James "cash" Jackson

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:576583665

Reason for ban: Advertising Global Rule 4

Length of ban: 1 Week

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Firstly I was not aware of the rule and wont advertise again. Second it would have been more professional if fish could at least pull me and tell me about it. Instead I'm playing and banned without warning. I accept me being banned for doing something wrong. I can't accept the way this was handled. Again I'm sorry for what I've done but if some sort of warning or talk before im banned out of nowhere would be appreciated considering I'm not here to minge or hurt anyone.

Why should you be unbanned? I believe I should be unbanned because this is my first offense on something i had no idea was a rule. I also believe I provide rp and good times on the server and would suck if i couldn't play for a week.  

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

RE: James "Cash" Jackson Ban Appeal - Fish Man - 01-23-2022

First of all: you don't necessarily need to be pulled to a sit before a ban.

Now, I saw you blatantly advertise some (probably scam) NFT discord in OOC calling it a "great project". This is violating our rules on advertising,
Along with that, This is not the place to advertise such things. This is a roleplay server on Garry's Mod...

Pleading ignorance isn't a defense in my opinion. You agree to follow the rules when you join the server (as seen at the bottom of the rules)
Now in regards to wanting a warning. Myself and a member of leadership I consulted with both agreed a week ban would suffice for a rule break as severe as this

Below is an image of your OOC message

James "Cash" Jackson Ban Appeal - Hue - 01-23-2022

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules