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Ginos permaban appeal - Printable Version

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Ginos permaban appeal - GiovanniLucchese - 01-30-2022

Your Name: Gino Moretti

Your SteamID STEAM_0:1:495539526

Reason for ban: Prop blocking PD | 11 PO's

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology

Why should you be unbanned? I know what I did was wrong, I was mad that I was being discharged form PD so I acted out childish. I understand if my ban was well deserved but all I am asking for is a second chanceI believe that after a permanent ban people can change and I believe that I've matured enough to the point that I know what's right from what's wrong and I hope this will make anybody reconsider this permanent ban as still I was in the wrong and I am deeply sorry for what I did. 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): None

RE: Ginos permaban appeal - Fearsome - 01-30-2022

+1 Good kid. Been banned for months, He's changed and deserves a second chance I feel

RE: Ginos permaban appeal - Ricky - 01-30-2022

+1 I trust him

RE: Ginos permaban appeal - Infamy - 01-30-2022

+1 after knowing gino for some months I feel that he's grown enough and matured that he understands more of the consequences of what can and cant happen

Ginos permaban appeal - Rem - 02-02-2022

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.