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FBI - Printable Version

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FBI - spoopii - 02-06-2022

A few months ago, FBI was removed. Obviously, there were reasons for this, but ever since then law enforcement RP has been very boring. 

My suggestion is, bringing back FBI but restructured into a way that works. FBI brought, risk to the server. Everything is so easy now and law enforcement don't actually do stings. They don't do full investigations into Factions anymore; they just do small arrests. If feds were brought back, but in a way that actually did shit like stalking known members of a criminal organization, getting info, looking for weak members and making them wear a wire. Or a fed infiltrating a faction. This all adds more risk to doing shit, everything is just too easy to do now.

RE: FBI - Fish Man - 02-06-2022

+1-ish... Yes, Law Enforcement RP has been lacking lately. Shit commissioner and corrupt cops and such, I agree we need a federal agency back in town. under an experienced leader, I have no clue who. But we need some people who literally are not allowed to be corrupt.
Perhaps revive the DEA? Or the ATF. DEA would be more realistic in my honest opinion. as most people are doing drugs as their main racket

Or even better, A state investigation agency of some sort. Which hires civilians and such. instead of only lending cops...

RE: FBI - Hue - 02-06-2022

FBI will never be useful, no matter how hard you try.

RE: FBI - spoopii - 02-06-2022

(02-06-2022, 09:41 PM)Fish Man Wrote: +1-ish... Yes, Law Enforcement RP has been lacking lately. Shit commissioner and corrupt cops and such, I agree we need a federal agency back in town. under an experienced leader, I have no clue who. But we need some people who literally are not allowed to be corrupt.
Perhaps revive the DEA? Or the ATF. DEA would be more realistic in my honest opinion. as most people are doing drugs as their main racket

Or even better, A state investigation agency of some sort. Which hires civilians and such. instead of only lending cops...
Even DEA would be good, any Federal agency. Something that isnt corrupt that can actually help bring down Factions.

RE: FBI - Wickers - 02-06-2022

+1 DEA would be better

RE: FBI - Bingus - 02-06-2022

FBI doesn’t work when you have very high levelled members of a criminal faction in it on their alt characters. They don’t even come on, just sit in the discord waiting for evidence against their faction so they can subtly metagame.

It’s a No from me.


RE: FBI - Macho_man270 - 02-07-2022

-1 PD has gotten more cases then the FBI. The feds only cases where people killing minges. Most feds where people on Alts who wouldnt attack factions cause of this

RE: FBI - Irn Bru - 02-07-2022


For the FBI to work they need a strong, competent and active leader. Without that they will fail.

Another problem I have seen with every FBI is they always somehow end up trying to take down the PD instead of working with them.

If you can solve these two problems then I will support bringing back the FBI

RE: FBI - Verax - 02-07-2022

Since the shutdown of the FBI, cases have increased within the NYPD and the Bureau of Detectives have been handling cases. The reality is that the FBI has NEVER made a case to court, and when they attempted a lawsuit, they lost over 11 million dollars to a faction because their lawyers were absolutely trash. They were so bad the one of them didn't understand basic law and had his license revoked for signing his signature for the judge.

Bingus made a good point, there was rampant abuse within the FBI and the alts ruined it constantly. But the biggest problem with the FBI is that they brought in incompetent players who had NO basic understanding of law, paperwork, nor proper procedure. I know this because when I was DA, I was asked constantly to help them (also, they broke the server rules and meta gamed too).

The proof was in the pudding when the FBI got disbanded, they moved over to detectives, but the detectives were worse off and none of them could figure out how to do a basic plea deal... and some of those FBI guys were dishonorably discharged from the NYPD for meta gaming, bad quality of RP, and other IC reasons.

When you divide up the legal structure and try to "take people down" it ends up either A) hurting factions because no evidence was given for such an illegal move. B) Hurting NYPD resources as it pushed them to want to leave the force and go to the FBI. C) Wastes staff's time when trying to fix the FBI overall.

Hue was the former FBI leader, and after him it went down the drain poorly and every new leader either didn't know what to do or was incompetent.

Restarting it again with another "leadership structure" doesn't fix the problem, once a bad leader sets in, the system falls apart and hurts RP dramatically. The player base gets hurt from false warrants and the checks and balances are out of wack because they are "the FBI."

This is a no from me, and I hope the FBI never returns to Diverge.


RE: FBI - Rem - 02-07-2022

I've seen FBI mostly just PK bait, be used as metagaming, sit and rot. I'm sure it's helpful for lawrp, but feel like it causes more headaches than actual benefits.