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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - furyturtle - 02-07-2022

Your Name: Claymore Grills

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve) :  https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169747138/

Reason for ban: RDM

Length of ban: week

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):both? 

Why should you be unbanned? So multiple cops had walked into the garrison just being minges and we repeatedly tell them to fuck off then sam saeed walks in and everyone keeps telling him to get out as well, but he stays put after the other cops left. When it was just him I closed the door and shot him after he started asking people to be informants. I told him and the other cops multiple times to go away and to leave and 2 listened but saeed did not. As fishman banned me he said because of me PO and i never learn he was going to be banning me for 2 weeks, but i hadnt been banned since december there should not be any reason for a 2 week ban to be brought up after not being banned for months. 
Also would it not be metagame by walking in and asking people to be informants? its a gunshop, people shouldnt assume that places are associated with crime families if their cops

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I do not have any

RE: Ban Appeal - Hue - 02-07-2022

Please put include your SteamID

RE: Ban Appeal - Fish Man - 02-07-2022

Whilst he is a gigantic idiot for asking if you wanted to be informants. This is not a reason to kill him
You could not provide sufficient proof of him refusing to leave beyond begging me to bring person A, B, C, and D.

I was given a clip of the moron cop asking for informants. You then shooting him and loudly saying in a humorous tone "Inform these nuts!" whilst laughing and snickering

If he yelled out about Sanzensekai. I could clearly see how that would've been metagame. But asking if "anyone wanted to snitch on THEIR gang" seems more like a shitty move from a detective.

Prior to him being shot. I only heard y'all messing around and laughing... I didn't sense this as a situation where he's been refusing to leave.

Your general attitude in the sit told me you didn't have any form of remorse for your actions. Hence the very harsh punishment. Which is also based on your large PO

RE: Ban Appeal - furyturtle - 02-07-2022

He in the sit even said that we told him to get out, why would me snickering at the end have anything to do with me getting extended bans? Fishman the man ADMITTED we told him to leave and yet u said no it doesnt matter because we had to tell him more than once. You are an extremely one sided admin on multiple occasions with me. The 2 week punishment went from that to 10 days to a week because you knew you were wrong. So please do not say i do not learn when the last time i got banned was months ago too

RE: Ban Appeal - Fish Man - 02-07-2022

He said he was asked to leave. But the door was closed (as seen in the video)...
Make a staff report on me...
I said the wrong time. I realized it was a bit excessive and decided to lower it to a week. which isn't unheard of.

RE: Ban Appeal - Rem - 02-07-2022

You do understand shooting and killing a cop after telling them once to leave is dumb right? You have a very extensive PO for RDM, you're expected to have learned by now when to shoot.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules