Diverge Networks
Royals Staff App - Printable Version

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Royals Staff App - royaldboy26 - 02-20-2022

In-Game Name(s): Codrin "Two Face" Khalid, Senior Regulations Officer Vincent Cody, also previously known as Vito "The Nose" Giuseppe/ Sokolovsky and Tyrell "Suga" Jones

Steam Name: [DN] Royaldboy26

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/royaldboy26/

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:246045630

Discord Username: Royaldboy26#1787

Age: 19

Total playtime on Server (Do !time in-game): 5d 21h 4m + 2 1/2-3 days on another steam

Time Zone: EST

How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: I could honestly put
a lot of time to being staff while im in the city just waiting for shipments

Have you read the rules?: Yes I have 

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand): Yes unless its Mon-Fri 7
a.m.- 5 p.m. as I work fulltime 

Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No but
I am willing to learn I also learn quickly

Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes
Long Answer
Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum.

What is your motivation/reason for applying?: My motivation for applying is that I have been wanting to be staff on a server I Enjoy very much since I started playing Gmod a few years ago. I stopped playing for al little bit due to not having a computer but since I started playing again I have been on diverge and have enjoyed it very much. most of the people in the community are awesome to play with and they bring a lot of fun rp scenarios. most of my freetime is put towards this community I have gained almost 6 days of time in the server in the last 2 months of having my own pc and it sucks when there is barely any staff and they are getting flooded with reports because of people not reading and following the rules. So with that being said I would really like to help donate some of my time in the city to help other staff and members of the community have fun and provide my assistance.

Why should you be considered over other candidates?:  I in no way consider myself as a better option for staff based on not having experience when it comes to staffing. I will say that
I am a better option when it comes to respecting the rules and wanting them to be followed. I want everyone to enjoy their time while playing and not get punched to death by white shirts or get killed by people breaking Nlr and having no intention to rp

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): No I have never been staff on any server but I am attempting
 to create Fivem server just for fun

Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No I have never been banned on any servers 

Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:
I would say I am somewhat known in the community but not very
I come here and there and like to get involved with people 

Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: No
I haven't consulted any

Problem Solving
Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take.

Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If no other staff haven't taken the ticket by the time I am out of an rp scenario I will take the sit and deal with it accordingly

You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: seeing as they have rank on me
I will mention it to the owner or community managers so they can watch the reported staff member 

A very good friend of yours joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. How do you proceed knowing this can affect your friendship with them?: If possible i will ask another staff member to take the sit to avoid conflict of interest but if no other staff
are available then I will deal with them and give them the proper punishment my responsibilities come first

RE: Royals Staff App - Chad - 02-21-2022

-1 bad app also why do you have DN in your steam name. I know defcon uses that for their staff.

RE: Royals Staff App - royaldboy26 - 02-21-2022

(02-21-2022, 12:23 AM)Chad Wrote: -1 bad app also why do you have DN in your steam name. I know defcon uses that for their staff.
That was from some prisonrp server it was for daily rewards i did it in 2018 and still havent changed it because i just started playing again a few months ago

RE: Royals Staff App - Vex - 02-21-2022


I have never heard of you, but the application is alright, and I would say give you a chance.

RE: Royals Staff App - royaldboy26 - 02-21-2022

(02-21-2022, 02:28 AM)Stretch Wrote: Neutral

I have never heard of you, but the application is alright, and I would say give you a chance.
i was the one you helped with the firebombings at shop 10

Royals Staff App - Rem - 02-26-2022

Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team!
It is my pleasure to inform you that your application has been accepted.

Contact myself or another member of Management on Discord for training and to get setup.