Diverge Networks
Farifafa Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Farifafa Ban Appeal - Farifafa - 02-24-2022

Your Name: Farifafa

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55954391

Reason for ban: Violation of Global Rule 5 - External Trading.

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute

Why should you be unbanned?
Good evening I just got back home and found out I've been permabanned. I really think this is the result of some kind of misunderstanding.
I was banned for a situation that had to do with an NFT called Ballcoin and a roadside carnival style game. I would just like to outline what rule 5 states, make a few points about how I didn't break this rule, and explain further as to account for rule bending. Try to see it from my perspective and give me the benefit of the doubt because I'm not trying to break rules.
I was accused of breaking Rule 5. External Trading: "The only way you can use real currency to purchase additional perks is through our donation store. Any form of external trading, gaining perks such as ranks, in-game currency, items, etc, in return for real life money is forbidden. Both parties will be issued bans across all Diverge platforms."
- No real currency was used to purchase additional perks, real currency played NO FACTOR in any of what happened with my situation at all.
- No external trading was done, as no NFT's were sold for any type of money, virtual, in game or crypto, they were being awarded to people who won the game.
- None of the Ballcoin NFT's are actually being traded at all for any form of currency on the opensea.io site. (Here is proof, see: volume traded 0.00) Meaning none have been sold or traded.
- Players were not even being charged in game money to play the game, it was free to play.
- The admin that took me to a sit told me at first to make the stand look realistic and to not call it a Ballcoin or NFT, and I complied.
- The second the time he brought me to the roof, I was told that I am breaking rule 5 and that upper administration recommends that i get banned.
- I offered to delete it and not do it anymore, stating that a ban was not necessary and then the admin went AFK for like 5 minutes

I'd just like to say that this is for fun. Nobody can seriously state that i'm giving people in game perks for real money or vice versa. Thanks for reading my appeal and giving genuine consideration to my situation. I'm a long time player since day 1 and this isn't fair.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://gyazo.com/7df89475783c8d75564c66b6f45bd9c4

For the sake of understanding what i'm doing, here's my stand on another server. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pGvJBXw92w


Farifafa Ban Appeal - Pendred - 02-24-2022

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Don't promote your shitcoin on here. Thanks.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.