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Char Appeal - Printable Version

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Char Appeal - Jacky - 03-13-2022

Name of Character: Jack "Jacky" Nickelson

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49213019

Date of PK: 3/12/22 (CST)

Reason for PK: "Breaking Family Rules" (I just didn't give 200k when asked)

Why should you be unPK'd?: Well the "hit" for me was originally ordered by a "Regime Boss" and Not a Don or Underboss for this fact I was acquitted at the time of the sit and returned then I hopped on a different char and was brought back to the admin sit where they explained to me that it was not a false hit because "the don ordered it 2 days ago" and I have the dons f3 and I have not seen him online in a while and the most confusing part of it all was that I was told that I could be given a option that I would just forget everything about Lav and I was completely ok with that and I accepted that as a fair alternative and don't understand why it was thrown out of the window (The Option), but I digress I would just like my Char appealed from having this ban as there originally was no evidence that he could PK me or that Jinn had ordered it (In the first sit) and also that I got a double sit for something that I was told was not my fault and not valid with some later evidence that I never saw in anyway at any part of any of the sits 

That is my reasoning and thank you for considering and have a great day Smile


If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: None but I was told that there was ss of something to do with discord???

RE: Char Appeal - Romullus - 03-13-2022


Your pk was voided by an Admin because the evidence of the don order was not shown. Despite not showing that evidence of a don order it was still present, like I said it just wasn't shown to the admin at the time of your pk. The admin who voided it made the mistake of directly voiding the pk instead of waiting for the evidence to be shown.

RE: Char Appeal - Jacky - 03-13-2022

Is there anyway that I can see that evidence?

RE: Char Appeal - Chadderman - 03-13-2022

I can clarify a bit as I was the Admin who conducted the PK and had to consult with senior staff.

The option that was given to forget the situation had been misunderstood by another staff member who was in the sit with us. I confirmed with Romullus that he had said it should be a PK in the end and to conduct it, which he told me was correct. I confirmed that Don's Orders were given through a DM multiple times and had happened on 3/10/2022. This was a large reason as to why the PK was deemed acceptable. I attempted multiple times to inform you what was going on but was constantly interrupted and then you continually went AFK while I attempted to explain the situation. At that point I Char banned Jacky "Jack" Nickelson from the menu as you consistently refused to switch to him and then made a ticket while I was attempting to conduct a sit as directed by Romullus.

RE: Char Appeal - Jacky - 03-13-2022

Sir I never refused to switch I was just texting in the ticket that you told me to make check the timestamps.. and also im not blaming anyone I just want this to be over and me get my char also im still ok with the whole forgeting thing.

RE: Char Appeal - Fallen_Ski - 03-13-2022

I was the one who ordered the hit multiple times and have been active everyday so that point is not true.

RE: Char Appeal - Jacky - 03-13-2022

I was told by your Regime Boss that "Jinn has not been on for a while he just kinda dipped" but he might have been confused who knows

RE: Char Appeal - wavychato - 03-13-2022

(03-13-2022, 04:45 AM)Jacky Wrote: I was told by your Regime Boss that "Jinn has not been on for a while he just kinda dipped" but he might have been confused who know
ok bro

RE: Char Appeal - Jacky - 03-13-2022

No sir you said that after the first admin sit and also I said "Im gonna take a break for a while on that jacky" but its wtv

RE: Char Appeal - wavychato - 03-13-2022

(03-13-2022, 04:54 AM)Jacky Wrote: No sir you said that after the first admin sit and also I said "Im gonna take a break for a while on that jacky" but its wtv
yea it is whatever