Diverge Networks
Ban appeal - Printable Version

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Ban appeal - cheeseballs124 - 03-29-2022

Your Name:  Bobby Brown

Your SteamID (76561198210764880):

Reason for ban: So this officer named officer chad was constantly annoying me and my friends he would kill us and constantly raid our stuff with no probable cause and just shoot us for no reason. He dropped heroin in front of our friend and screen shotted it as proof and then locked him up for 50 years. So sense he was being toxic i got toxic and kept killing him with a bat which is my bad and i dont disagree with my ban but i was playing and roleplaying with my friends until he started bothering us. 

Length of ban: 4 days

Reason for appeal (I am sorry for being a toxic ass but he was annoying the hell out of us for no reason):

Why should you be unbanned? I was just playing and getting into the game until we were constantly getting screwed by this cop

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

RE: Ban appeal - DaSchmeeze - 03-29-2022

From my version of the events that transpired, a ticket was made by Officer Chad Johnson stating to come quickly because people kept coming back and trying to RDM with baseball bats. I accepted the ticket and teleported to him while cloaked where I witnessed you repeatedly coming back with baseball bats trying to attack officers after dying multiple times. After witnessing this myself, and verifying this information in the logs, I handed out the punishment that I thought necessary.

As for the information stated in the first half of this ban appeal, I do not have any information regarding it. There were no reports made and no evidence presented, but if that was the case, the correct course of action would be to make a report. Instead, you broke multiple server rules to retaliate.

RE: Ban appeal - Canadian-bacon - 03-29-2022

The banning staff member agree'd that lowering the ban would be possible on the condition the user reads our rules here: https://divergenet.works/forums/showthread.php?tid=340

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 2 days.