Diverge Networks
Rogue's Pet Appeal - Printable Version

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Rogue's Pet Appeal - Rogue - 04-06-2022

Your Name: Rogue

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:69386480

Staff Member involved: Rem

What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET

Reason for blacklist (if given): Using props to phase through doors.

Why should they be returned?: I went on a rant a while back in my initial appeal as to why I used props to go through a specific set of doors and of course I still acknowledge that what I did was wrong. I attempted to rationalize something that I knew was wrong and after a while I came to accept the flag removal however now it's been about 6 or 7 months since my flags were taken and I feel as though it's about time that I get a second chance. Aside from a few warnings a couple months ago my record is relatively clean and I've been a longtime player of Diverge since launch. I understand the privilege that comes with having pet flags and I feel as though I should have a shot at having them reinstated.

RE: Rogue's Pet Appeal - catgoku22 - 04-06-2022

Rouge is smart enough to not mess up again, other than that initial incident thinking we owned a room, he should be able to have flags again, i can vouch and say he will only use it for dupes and rooms and such.

RE: Rogue's Pet Appeal - Romullus - 04-07-2022

Do this again and your not getting it back.

Your flag appeal has been accepted.

Please contact a Senior Administrator+ to get your pet flag unblacklisted.