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Miami Needs More - Printable Version

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Miami Needs More - Noar - 04-19-2022

Hello, This is a formal suggestion that the server of Miami really does need. 

I've been playing on the Miami server since the release date and it has been super fun and put a total of 1w and 4days. The map is well made and everything is fine except the most recent auction that was rigged and let me tell you why.

With NYC being out for a year and a half people have hundreds of millions of dollars and they were able to participate in the most recent Auction in Miami for some reason even though the Families in MI have not even seen that much money. They should not have been able to buy the Cocaine racket and the Heavy Weapons because now we have to wait days to even try to buy a gun or some coke and all of that takes time, especially with the 12-hour flight rule in place.

My Suggestion: We need another Autction with Heavy weapons, Cocaine, 1 more weed, and even L. I have not seen L offered once and that is not even a good drug to sell. We need another Auction now that some families have been grinding and putting in time in effort into a server that is not getting any love it feels like. We need an auction that is strictly for MI and MI only because that way it will be fair. 

We shouldn't have to wait 12 hours to fly back and that is why Miami is so dead right now, realize how there were 100 people on at all times and as soon as people figured out the car trick they only collect then move it all to NYC to trade for cheaper and they bring it back and log off for the next 12 hours when we can have that player on at all times because no one wants to buy a motel for one day because you might as well just move your whole family over at that point because no business is being done in MI and if it is everyone is being scammed out of there own money and they don't even know it.

We need a Coke and a Heavy gun racket for an active family(s) that will actually do something with that market, I just can't get it out of my head why NYC could participate in that last auction it simply does not make sense and it caused a lot of players to leave the server. It might not seem like a big deal but it really is.

+1 for new auction | -1 No auction 

RE: Miami Needs More - Chad - 04-19-2022

The reason Miami is dead in my opinion is because you have a lot of old players who came back made their factions etc. The thing is that they're disappointed with how the server is now. There is no RP at all its just grind drugs all day and that's it. I would say the RP is equal to that of GTA V Online. Where its just 15 year old's flexing their cars and how much money they got as they grind drugs all day with a hyper inflated economy. Then you also have the fact that there is no staff on Miami and a lot of minges. There also hasn't been any new server content that actually changes anything. The only thing being new weapons which don't really add anything at all. As someone who has talked to a lot of the faction leaders on Miami they want something new and just overall anything. We don't get any events on Miami basically nothing ever happens. Simply adding 2 new rackets also wont change anything because it will automatically be bought by the cartel for they have no most money on the server.

RE: Miami Needs More - Noar - 04-19-2022

(04-19-2022, 12:27 AM)Chad Wrote: The reason Miami is dead in my opinion is because you have a lot of old players who came back made their factions etc. The thing is that they're disappointed with how the server is now. There is no RP at all its just grind drugs all day and that's it. I would say the RP is equal to that of GTA V Online. Where its just 15 year old's flexing their cars and how much money they got as they grind drugs all day with a hyper inflated economy. Then you also have the fact that there is no staff on Miami and a lot of minges. There also hasn't been any new server content that actually changes anything. The only thing being new weapons which don't really add anything at all. As someone who has talked to a lot of the faction leaders on Miami they want something new and just overall anything. We don't get any events on Miami basically nothing ever happens. Simply adding 2 new rackets also wont change anything because it will automatically be bought by the cartel for they have no most money on the server.
I agree 100%, the Cartel will most likely buy the rackets but at least they will be on the server instead of having to wait days to even get a deal for a couple of drugs or weapons. And I did forget to mention that the staff on the server, when they are actually on they are good at what they do but there is usually no staff online from 10:30 pm until the next morning whenever hours are popping again. We need more gamemasters on the server because with the staff we have now there are no events at all and the only events that get held are for the PD that is rushed and very poorly managed.

RE: Miami Needs More - Chad - 04-19-2022

I agree completely Noar but the thing with gamemasters is there is no head gm making it have zero formatting and Gms dont even do good events tbh. Its all just pvp events with no RP.

RE: Miami Needs More - catgoku22 - 04-19-2022

I agree, idk why the auction was allowed for an for any of the New York factions, it really did shoot the sever in the foot, maybe property(townhouses) would be fine to be auctioned. But really having New York buy out the two best rackets like especially with a server that needed its own economy, it really did need its own 3 weed own 3 c own 3 light own 3 heavy, or at least 1 of each in Miami would of still kept it afloat now. But since it’s all in New York everyone just piles over there or just doesn’t hop on Miami because the economy is shit and there are little to no staff/events. At this point an auction wouldn’t really help because the server already is croaking, these things should of been happening at the start, separate auctions, no New York factions should be able to even partake in the auction(affecting Miami). Imagine how bad it would of been if there were no gun rackets in Miami, there still isn’t C, no L, and only 1 weed. Something has got to change

RE: Miami Needs More - Noar - 04-19-2022

Again, I completely Agree but another thing is getting rid of dead factions on Miami and NYC and that frees up more buildings. Because there are a lot of food buildings that are owned but are not being used for anything and that is the main problem with what is going on as well. It's just problem on problem.

RE: Miami Needs More - Kalata - 04-19-2022

PD Inactive, rackets were auctioned to New York factions so there isn't no top tier drugs or heavy weapons in Miami other than 1 weed racket. I used to do a lot of events and rp with my faction but now I can't with the limited amount of people I have now. I have to focus on recruiting and making sure my faction don't get removed. Eventually My people wont be able to recruit no more and right now I can't do events or RP with the limited amount of people that I know will get on.

I think honestly either take off that 12 hour period to take tickets to have people have freedom to go back and forth without waiting or merge the two servers maybe. Although I know its like a rollercoaster between both servers that 12 hour period still does hurt.