Diverge Networks
Blankdude's Staff Application - Printable Version

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Blankdude's Staff Application - Blankdude - 04-22-2022

In-Game Name(s): Ricky Lafleur, Calvin Lucia, Paul Leone
Steam Name: Blankdude
Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/id/mihalakj/
Steam ID:76561197994132085
Discord Username: Demonic Trix#3678
Total playtime on our Servers (Do ! time in-game):4w 1d 9h 02m
The server you spend the most time on (Miami/New York): Miami
Time Zone: EST
How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?:1-3 Hours a Day (sometimes 4-5)
Have you read the rules?: Yes
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand): Yes
Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No, I have no experience with them at all
Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes
Long Answer
Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum.

[b]What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * I want to apply for staff because I have seen a lack of RP and a lot more minging in Miami specifically. I have seen a lack of RP with the police force in Miami, and I am not trying to take vengeance and ban the cops. I plan to explain to some of the newer ones the basics of roleplay on the server. I Love this server to death, it was the first mafiarp server that I've played on. I have some great memories of this server and some of the problems I've described above concern me. It takes away from the fun and scares away new players that haven't had the time to have the full RP experience. I hope to use my staff rank to improve RP, enforce fundamental rules, and re-instate a mafiaRP "Golden Age" as many players describe it. There is Serious potential in Miami, but I feel like the lack of RP and minging is part of why people went back to NY.

Why should you be considered over other candidates?:  I should be considered over other Staff Applicants because of my passion for the server and my dedication to Diverge Networks. Like I said above, I love this server and I would love to allow other people to have the experience I've had on it. Where other people may focus on "cleansing" the server of minges and people who don't know how to RP, I would rather focus on teaching the minges and people about why it's more fun to Roleplay and create something more interesting and complex than DarkRP. That being said, I do not like Minges and some of them do need to receive bans as some of them do not want to roleplay whatsoever. My love for Diverge and MafiaRP comes from the roleplay aspect and I would love others to experience it that way.

[b]Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where what position and how long): I don't have any previous staffing experience because I only play mafia RP and TTT and I never took interest in staffing for TTT.

Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: I haven't Been banned but I've been warned for violating FearRP back in 2020 ( I was new to the server and didn't understand the rules around the whole mugging and FearRP) Apart from that, I don't have any other warns that I know of.

Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: *I am not "well-known" in the community, I've only been talking shit to kash in the discord and that's it. I was never well known, My characters are more street-level and I usually recruit guys for factions. I used to be in the Gambino faction and I recruited and stuck to myself. I'm with some new guys now and I am keeping to my reserved nature. But the people I meet usually have good things to say about me. I am reserved to people I don't know but am pretty eccentric and energetic and sociable to people I know. If I would be made staff I would be happy to meet other staff members and I would refrain from causing IRL problems with people, after all, this is a game and some people take it too far. 

Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Cajun recommended me, he isn't a staff anymore but he used to be an Administrator before he retired for school.
Problem Solving
Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take.

Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: I would take a clip of the person RDMing and use it as evidence to give a punishment or a warning and tell them if they feel it was unjust to appeal on the forums or I would give the evidence to another On-duty staff member so they can proceed with the punishment/warn.

You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would take a clip of them abusing and send it to UA, I would not get involved with punishing the person, I would strictly state the facts and evidence and allow Upper Administration to deal with it.

A very good friend of yours joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. How do you proceed knowing this can affect your friendship with them?: First, I would find evidence of them minging or RDMing, then from there I would either punish them or warn them for their actions. If they're bored then I would give them some ideas of stuff they can do within RP (gamble, go to a restaurant, process drugs, buy guns ETC.) If they show no intent to RP then I would first direct them to the rules in the Forums, and I let them know that they can RDM or Minge on another server (DarkRP) if they'd like. 

RE: Blankdude's Staff Application - Whvvpz - 04-22-2022

+1 good man right here and absoutly loves to RP, feel like he would b a good addition

RE: Blankdude's Staff Application - Alex Carvetelo - 04-22-2022

+1 I'd give this guy a shot.

RE: Blankdude's Staff Application - Zurek - 04-22-2022

+1 Would do well as a staff memeber

Blankdude's Staff Application - Pendred - 04-25-2022

Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team!
It is my pleasure to inform you that your application has been accepted.

Contact myself or another member of Management on Discord for training and to get setup.