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Quantavious Krakawski Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Quantavious Krakawski Ban Appeal - carsonsmells - 04-23-2022

Your Name:Quantavious Krakawski

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:1:460830521

Reason for ban:i was banned for rdm,ltap,nitrp

Length of ban:1 day.

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): i want to appeal because i do really like roleplaying on mafia rp, i am very sorry if the person that though i rdmed them thought that i did it for no reason. i do really wanna play today.

Why should you be unbanned? i personally believe that i should be unbanned because this is my first ban, i did not get to plea my case because i was very sleepy when i did the hit on someone, i got off about 20-30 mins after killing the person.

RE: Quantavious Krakawski Ban Appeal - Alex Carvetelo - 04-24-2022

Hi i am the staff member who issued the ban on you. The reason i banned you is because i saw 2 clips of you, one was you clearly rdming another player in the street. Sadly i do not have the clips in my possession at the time being. The other clip was you running around hiting players.

I understand the fact that you are new and still have no punishment but if we follow this logic with everyone there wouln't be any sanction.
I will request this ban to be revoked since i would like to see you on the server again. But this ban will still be writen for next offenses if they ever happen.

Hope you have a good night, i will reach to UA for you.

Quantavious Krakawski Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 04-24-2022

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.