Diverge Networks
Obsidianwulf - Printable Version

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Obsidianwulf - Obsidianwulf - 05-01-2022

Your Name:Obsidianwulf

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:1:11029478

Reason for ban:Assisting Money Transferring

Length of ban: 26 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I don't exactly know what happened I was busy transferring and selling oil working with new hires and helping others out I generally go out of my way to help new players including giving them money to get started with making oil shipments

Why should you be unbanned? I haven't even had my coffee yet

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

RE: Obsidianwulf - Smurf - 05-01-2022

+1 Good guy, seems confused on his ban. Does not deserve a month long ban

RE: Obsidianwulf - LocalWelshman - 05-01-2022

From my judgement, the ban is justified and well deserved. What you did was stupid and you should definitely never do it again unless you want another ban. However, 26 days seems very excessive and should definitely be reduced. This situation doesn’t need a ban that long. I hope you learn from your mistakes and never make the same mistake again.

RE: Obsidianwulf - Canadian-bacon - 05-01-2022

Weirdly long

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 12 hours.