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Helika 8 hr ban appeal - Printable Version

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Helika 8 hr ban appeal - helika - 05-09-2022

Your Name: Helika

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:606679324

Reason for ban: NITP

Length of ban: 8 hr

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute

Why should you be unbanned? I am very new to this server and I am trying to learn the rules and how to play, I was kicked for NITRP | Punch minging (My friend asked me to kill him because his game was bugged) prior to the ban and when I joined back I was in the same location as when I got kicked so I moved further away and went to talk to some people. I called staff and asked what I did wrong and it was because I was breaking NLR, although I don't understand how I was because the bar is why I died and I was across the street talking to some other people. When I died I made an RDM ticket because I was allowed into the bar and was killed randomly, whilst I was waiting for a staff member to respond to my ticket I was talking to someone across the street from the bar completely unrelated to my previous death and then I was banned... 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

RE: Helika 8 hr ban appeal - Gr1m - 05-09-2022

I brought you two separate times, told you what you did wrong, and you still went back and did it. Another admin Omen also warned you about the same things you were doing. My recommendation is that you read the rules and new player guide during these 8 hours.

RE: Helika 8 hr ban appeal - helika - 05-09-2022

I didn't go back and do anything I stayed where I was, I didn't go to the bar where I died (Like I mentioned in my original post I did not go back to the bar which is where I died.). When I made the sit and asked you what I did wrong you could have told me to move further away if the servers NLR zone is bigger than that?

My final warning kick was the one you provided, after that kick I did not go to the bar I was talking to people across the street who I hadn't interacted with prior to my death.

Also NLR and NITRP are 2 separate things, I could break NLR but still intend to roleplay which I was doing the whole time. I wasn't minging I was just trying to enter the bar without getting killed which I still don't understand why I was killed in the first place, I made several tickets regarding RDM and clarification to why I was killed but were never answered. If I was NITRP a ticket would definitely be made but I was never brought to a sit and no one complained about me either.

Helika 8 hr ban appeal - Pendred - 05-09-2022

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules