Theant staff app - theant0000 - 11-22-2020
- Part 1, Fill-Out Questions
- In-Game Name:Anthony Larenza
- Steam Name:
- IRL First Name (optional):anthony
- Age:17
- Time on Server:
- Time Zone:
- Steam ID:fuck your mother
- How much (relative) time can you dedicate to moderating our server?:
3 to 4 hours
- The total amount of warnings on the server (You can check your warnings by doing !warns in the chat while on the server):
- Have you read the rules? Will you read the staff handbook in its entirety if you are accepted?:
Yes i have read them fully and will read the entire staff handbook if accepted
- Do you have a microphone that you can use?: YES
- Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand):
Yes I fully understand and acknowledge this.
- Are you able to use Discord? Are you familiarized with ULX commands?: YES AND YES
- Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?:
- Part 2, Explanations
*Take your time with this part*
- Why should you be staff? What can you provide that others cannot? (5 Sentences Min): Diverge, the Mafia server, is a relatively good Mafia server, with a good community. I think I deserve staff because I have experience, professionalism,and that I have a sense of reason and fairness. I deserve staff because I have experience moderating Mafia game modes, which means I'm better equipped to deal with minges and problems of corruption. As I'm sure we all know, Rizzo was oftentimes incredibly mingy, and as the only active staff member on , I had to try and stop much of the minginess. Now I believe I succeeded in my goal. The server was in a much better shape RP wise when it began failing than it was before I became staff. Now of course there was the problem of corruption, which I soon learned the easy way to combat. Don't give corrupt people admin. As simple as it sounds it's easy to enforce. Do you see an admin who uses their powers exclusively to advance themselves, and minge? Ones who roll up to spawn in a car nobody can buy and says to their men "Bitch-bois I told you to get the fuck in."? The best way to deal with people like this is take away their power, and as a moderator I would actively search for people who use their power for such reasons, and actively call for their demotion. All the while gather evidence of their mis-deeds. This form of Stazi self-policing will encourage corrupt admins to either straighten up their act, or face the consequences of their actions. Now you may ask, how do you deal with minges? Well that is simple as well. I believe in a four strike policy. The first time they get warned in a kind manner verbally, and suggest as to how to better improve their roleplay. The second time they get a warning and told again, in a non-douchy way how to better improve their roleplay. The third time they get kicked, and if they rejoin, are told a final time how to better improve their roleplay. The fourth time, you ban them. It may seem cruel, and rude, and short term not a good idea, but long-term it will encourage a more serious roleplay environment. Essentially, my experience has better equipped and enlightened me on how to best deal with corruption and minging, and that is one reason why I deserve admin. While I have experience I also have a professional attitude when it comes to staffing which will help foster a serious roleplay environment. One major flaw in my admining on Rizzo was how salty I became in dealing with situation. I've since realized how regressive it is to be a salty admin, as it turns people off from you. It is exceedingly difficult to tell a minge how to properly RP, or convince someone that another admin is corrupt, or enforce the rules, if everyone thinks of you as a dick. So the best way to come of as not a dick is to address problems in a professional and non-condescending way. The way to do this that works best for me is to one; control my tone. Two; Address the matter without swearing like a sailor. Then three; Try to come off as genuinely wanting to help said player. However I would still have to be stern when it came to punishment. If I saw someone RDM I would not let them off with a verbal warning. They would be warned via the !warn system, and told not to do so again. This goes for any other rule-breaks, especially when it comes to any eventual PK's I might handle. If it is found out that I was lied to, or somebody was metagaming, the PK would not simply be voided. The people who lied/mislead me would be warned for such. In short, my professional attitude when it comes to admining encourages serious roleplay by helping convince people to do so. Finally, I have a sense of reason, which would help prevent many of the mingy and distasteful situations on the server. For example let me tell you what I would have done, from what I knew, during the Colombo-Soprano minge-war. First of all I would have never let the situation escalate so far without the Don of the Colombos get on. It was borderline fail-rp for the Consig of the Colombos to escalate the war to the level it got without even contacting the Don of his family, let alone the commission. Second I would have stopped the war after the first hit in which everyone was NLR'd. If the entire family was NLR'd, I consider that as the war being over, for both sides. If the Colombos wiped out the entirety of the Sopranos, then they had no reason to come back and hit their bar again, they already sent their message, and vise versa. The Sopranos in said situation also wouldn't be allowed to hit the Colombos in retaliation, because they all don't remember the situation, and vise versa. Third, I would have punished everyone who broke NLR, be the Colombos or Sopranos, and both sides did. It's unacceptable for either side to break NLR despite any actions of the opposing side. The side that observed the other side breaking NLR should have called an admin to deal with the situation and not taken it into their own hands. The same logic and reason could be applied to other situations. For example let?s say some nobody civilian char wants to PK the godfather. No. I don't let them, unless they have some amazingly bumfuck good reason, and evidence to prove this amazingly bumfuck good reason, and this is because the rank of Godfather is so incredibly important that anybody should have a good reason. A good reason does not include "He disrespected me." or "I want to so I can gain power." If the Godfather disrespected you, it probably wasn't major. He maybe told you to fuck off. It's not like he pissed in your grandma's Canoli, or plowed your wife. If you want to kill the Godfather to gain power, you're just going to get PK'd eventually anyway, and you should find a far better reason. Why? Because if you want to PK the Godfather your character should realize that almost everyone would go after him next for doing so, and every single man in every single family has a valid reason to PK you afterwards. It's better to avoid that cluster-fuck. So, summarized, my reason would help prevent many of the distasteful and mingy situations on the server.
- Do you have any previous staffing experience? If so, where and how?:
Yes, Rizzo, Rizzo reborn Goldeneye mafia RP, Starburst Mafia RP, Men of respect MRP, Rolling dice networks MRP.
- Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?:
No i have not.
- Would you say that you are well known in our community?:
Not that I think so, however im trying to change that in a good way.
- Have any staff members recommended you for staff? If so, list their names: No
- What is RDM, RDA, and FAILRP?:
Rdm is when someone is randomly killed for no reason. RDA is mostly the same thing but said person is arrested. FailRP is when some does something that breaks the roleplay of the server, for example if you are in a situation where u are outgunned by 3 people and u pull a gun, this can be considered fear rp and fail RP.
- Part 3, Scenarios
- *Walk us through every step*
- Someone RDM's and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?:
I will switch to my staff character to deal with the situation in a fair and non bias manor, getting both stories of why he rdmed and hearing the side of the victim of said RDM. Then make a well thought out decision on the matter.
- You have seen a fellow staff member of higher rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?:
I will tell the staff manager or server manager that this person is abusing.
- A very good friend of yours (whom you personally invited) joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. You do your best to sweep them under the rug, as they are your close friend after all, but they don’t seem to be taking a hint and continue to break the rules. Finally, you are forced to take action. What would you do next, knowing that if you punish them your friendship with them is over?:
I will pull them aside and assure them that i am only doing my job and say no hard feelings, i gotta do what i gotta do. I will uphold the rules of the server at the highest extent and make sure minges and rulebreakers face the consequences which they have bequeath upon themselves.
RE: Theant staff app - Acethegoon - 11-22-2020
+1 I have rped with him numerous times on both Rizzo servers
RE: Theant staff app - Snow_arnulf - 11-23-2020
-1 Sounds very unprofessional and you play with someone who cheats in games.
BTW, No one except staff can respond to staff applications.
-Admin Snow_Arnulf
RE: Theant staff app - Wish - 11-23-2020
Denied, I will not tolerate minging on out staff team whether it be previous or current. You according a lot of the staff team, have a reputation for using cheat clients resulting in your VAC bans. Normally I would allow a reapply, but in your case I wont.