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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - leonardbwhite - 05-31-2022

Your Name: Lenny Kravio

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21427056

Reason for ban: LTARP POx1

Length of ban: 2 days 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I want to start this off with the statement that two wrongs don't make a right. I apologize for my breaking of the rule Leaving to Avoid RP, but the situation at hand lead me to do so. I still understand was in the wrong still and will take my punishment.

Why should you be unbanned?
A cop was arresting someone and I was blocking him from moving around so they could taze him and when they did the person in-front of me tried searching his pockets and I got tazed for it. I had illegal items in my inventory and did not want to get prosecuted for the crime I did not commit so I disconnected while the officer was tying me up. 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
I am asking for a lesser sentence because it is my first time offense of many hours over the years on this server since Typhoon. 

Thank you
- Lenny 

RE: Ban Appeal - Infamy - 05-31-2022

Hello, I'm Infamy, while I was watching over the scene. I witnessed you being arrested and other people attacking the cop, once he tied you and had you under control you left the game. 

I believe this ban is justified because of your previous warnings for the ban reason. I feel that this time is the best for yourself to familiarize yourself with the rules and come back a better RPer.

RE: Ban Appeal - leonardbwhite - 05-31-2022

(05-31-2022, 10:37 PM)Infamy Wrote: Hello, I'm Infamy, while I was watching over the scene. I witnessed you being arrested and other people attacking the cop, once he tied you and had you under control you left the game. 

I believe this ban is justified because of your previous warnings for the ban reason. I feel that this time is the best for yourself to familiarize yourself with the rules and come back a better RPer.

Hello Infamy, I was not attacking the cop/in a group that was attacking the cop in any way shape or form. I am very familiar with how to RP and I feel like you didn't even read over my application stating what had happened. If you were "watching over the situation" you would not have stated anything about attacking a cop. I said that I disconnected while he was tying me up, yes. I do NOT believe the ban is justified because I have not have previous offenses (and the cop was in the wrong), I have had warnings about failRP with a mug situation when the rules about mugging were grey. I do not think the full two days is just when there are people who have had way worse offenses than me and banned for same amount of time if not less (accepted ban appeals on fourms). Please do not tell me I need to be a better "RPer" and think that it was a beneficial statement and will help me improve. All that does is satisfy your need to be passive aggressive. /me folds arms

ie: https://gyazo.com/fd98d1aa82a9c843ae1d728195a251ce (POx6 banned for a week) ie: https://gyazo.com/8d74b1309f8d727172dad6790f95b7ac 
(PO failrp PO mingerp lying to staff banned for a day)

RE: Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 05-31-2022

Your response is childish at best. Infamy responded with nicety and had zero hint of passive aggressiveness, he explained what happened as referring to a past note left on you, and what he think the next steps should be. Noting other people's bans and unique situations also does nothing as every ban is unique.

You need to revaluate your attitude and the intimacy of knowledge of our rule set.

I see no reason to accept the appeal, you admitted to committing the offense very blatantly in the appeal. I see no reason to reduce the ban length, your attitude and response when being met with the opposing version of events does not give me the impression you're actually sorry or deserving of a reduction. Take the time to cool off.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules