Diverge Networks
Vinnie Desani PK Appeal :(( - Printable Version

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Vinnie Desani PK Appeal :(( - VinnieDesani - 06-01-2022

Name of Character: Vinnie Desani

SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/krenak10/ "STEAM WONT LET ME FIX IT"

Date of PK: About 10 minutes before this post was made, May 31st 2022

Reason for PK: Breaking fearRP which led to me being killed.

Why should you be unPK'd?: I believe the guy who put me under FearRP was aiming towards getting me pk'd, I walked into a business and this guy, pulls his gun out and says "Don't fucking move" I say "why??" And he says " I dont care, dont fucking move" So I ran out.
I dont understand why I had to be PK'd for it, I am not a minge, I spend hours a day on the server.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Ask Hoovis, he saw it.

RE: Vinnie Desani PK Appeal :(( - Hoovis - 06-01-2022

Regardless of intent, you did break FearRP at gunpoint. Here is the related clip - https://streamable.com/7cn60h

Vinnie Desani PK Appeal :(( - Chadderman - 06-01-2022

He clearly had you under Fear RP and gave you countless chances to stop, and you kept walking away. You also attempted to punch him and said "fuck you" to him while doing such. This was a valid PK.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.