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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - Sqwirfy - 06-04-2022

Your Name: Sqwirfy (Samuel Shekelgruber in game)

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:148399189

Reason for ban: Minge | RDM

Length of ban: 1 day

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): False ban

Why should you be unbanned? The situation was not rdm nor was it mingey. My friend (who is in my faction and I had his f3) was being arrested by a police officer, and I had intercepted them while they were walking to the PD. I planned to kill the cop and lockpick my friend's handcuffs. After I began to shoot the police officer I was frozen and banned on the spot by Al. There was no attempt to find out what was going on, he banned without conversation or a sit.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): no recording but logs should have enough info to corroborate my story.

RE: Ban Appeal - Alex Carvetelo - 06-04-2022

Hi, I banned you for RDM because during the whole situation you and your friend were baiting the cop. You guys insulted him for minimum 2 minutes before he tried to leave. When he leaved your buddy followed him and tried to rape him. Also, killing a cop in front of the pd with 8 witnesses is not roleplay at all. I didn't ask what was going on since i witnessed everything from the start.

The minge was because you were acting retarded, insulting someone for no reason, baiting and screaming in your mic toward people.

I wish for this ban to stay. I suggest you read the rules while you are banned.
Have a good night.

RE: Ban Appeal - meyergoldshekel - 06-04-2022

(06-04-2022, 12:33 AM)Alex Carvetelo Wrote: Hi, I banned you for RDM because during the whole situation you and your friend were baiting the cop. You guys insulted him for minimum 2 minutes before he tried to leave. When he leaved your buddy followed him and tried to rape him. Also, killing a cop in front of the pd with 8 witnesses is not roleplay at all. I didn't ask what was going on since i witnessed everything from the start.

The minge was because you were acting retarded, insulting someone for no reason, baiting and screaming in your mic toward people.

I wish for this ban to stay. I suggest you read the rules while you are banned.
Have a good night.
Everyone surrounding the cop during the arrest was telling him how stupid the arrest was and why he shouldn't do it, I think that is important when considering whether or not killing him mid arrest in front of witnesses (who sided with me) violated RP

RE: Ban Appeal - Sqwirfy - 06-04-2022

(06-04-2022, 12:33 AM)Alex Carvetelo Wrote: Hi, I banned you for RDM because during the whole situation you and your friend were baiting the cop. You guys insulted him for minimum 2 minutes before he tried to leave. When he leaved your buddy followed him and tried to rape him. Also, killing a cop in front of the pd with 8 witnesses is not roleplay at all. I didn't ask what was going on since i witnessed everything from the start.

The minge was because you were acting retarded, insulting someone for no reason, baiting and screaming in your mic toward people.

I wish for this ban to stay. I suggest you read the rules while you are banned.
Have a good night.
I had walked away from the situation before any insults were thrown. I had walked away and did not return until the officer was arresting my friend. From what I saw the cop did not try to leave but again I wasn't there for the entire situation. When I came back to free my friend there were not 8 witnesses, your hyperbole is very much disappointing to see as you attempt to justify this ban, I expect better from a moderator.  

There were 4 people there aside from myself when I attempted to kill the cop. The arresting officer, my friend who was being arrested, another on of my friends who I f3 of and have known for a long time and one of his friends that he vouched for. Given that I have known this other friend for so long it is important to note that he has gained and is deserving of my trust, and if he vouched for that other guy, I trust him completely. Since I was only around people I trusted to not snitch, this kill was completely within RP. Also a quick sidenote it still wouldn't be RDM if I was not around people I trusted at most you could make a case for Fail/FearRP.

The minge couldn't have taken place as I had left before any insults were thrown or any screaming began the most I think I heard was me calling the officer "Blue's Clues" in a shitty italian accent which is hardly an insult and if anything is funny.

To your point about it being in front of the PD when I attempted to kill the officer, the PD was not even in render distance. I had attempted to kill the officer to the right of the ATM by The Silver Tongue. The street was empty besides the aforementioned people, no cctv camera could have caught the shooting as it was not in view of the ATM (blocked by the privacy divider), pawn shop or PD cameras. Again your statement in order to justify this ban is false and misleading to anyone who was not there, I don't appreciate a staff member lying to cover their ass, it would be much better if you were to fess up to a false ban and admit that you rushed into a ban rather than getting the full story. 

I wish for the ban to be lifted. I suggest you read the rules and take this type of stuff to a sit so you can make an informed decision on a ban in the future.

RE: Ban Appeal - Alex Carvetelo - 06-04-2022

There were 8 witnesses and i am not going to change my words. Again you and your friend were minging and baiting to get a kill on the cop.

This ban is justified in my eyes and i wish for it to stay.
Have a good day.

RE: Ban Appeal - Sqwirfy - 06-04-2022

(06-04-2022, 04:19 PM)Alex Carvetelo Wrote: There were 8 witnesses and i am not going to change my words. Again you and your friend were minging and baiting to get a kill on the cop.

This ban is justified in my eyes and i wish for it to stay.
Have a good day.

I cannot speak to your minging or baiting cop because I was not there for that. You keep bringing it up trying to make me guilty by association which is not how this server works. If there were truely 8 people there than you should have no problem producing a witness outside of the aforementioned people. Since there is no other witness that you could produce because there were only four people there and you have no evidence outside of "i WaS tHeRe" I request that this ban be lifted. You have already been wrong on numerous occasions in your previous posts, obviously you are not a credible source. It is glaringly obvious that there is no reason for this ban and you are simply arguing in order to protect your reputation. I would have expected better from a 2 month-long moderator.
Have a good day.

RE: Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 06-06-2022
