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blackie ban appeal - Printable Version

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blackie ban appeal - amongstus43 - 06-06-2022

Your Name: Jamal "Blackie" Garcia

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:95083602

Reason for ban: Metagame

Length of ban: 5 hours

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute

Why should you be unbanned? I was brought to a sit by Emperor and he spoke to me about the situation because i called a guy Ethan Bellview once who was on his minge char, the guy literally said "follow me into PD" most likely cut this part out of his clip lol. he told the admin I called him Ethan Bellview multiple times and the admin believed him yet I did it once and he said me calling him a fed over and over is technically metagaming yet I referred to him as a fed due to him literally acting like a fed. I was also previously warned for metagame by "shadow" in May which i was never brought to a sit for this note and never explained why this note was given to me so I can prevent breaking the rules and abide by the rules and understanding my mistake hence why i got the note yet I was never taken therefore I would not of been able to explain myself and possibly not of been warned for whatever the reason was. I would like to add by stating its unfair I was given a note a month prior and never being told why it was even there or what the reason was without a chance to defend myself and the fact the admin believed him when he said I said it mulitple times before which isn't true without a clip of me saying it numerous times is completely bullshit. 

I would understand if I was given a warn for saying his name but me having a previous warn that I was taken to a sit for and not being told about it and then being banned instead of warned for mentioning the guys other name once and then calling him a fed after he acted like a fed is not my fault.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

RE: blackie ban appeal - wavychato - 06-06-2022

+1 I don't think he should have got banned maybe a warning I was in the situation and the guy would act like a cop saying to follow him to PD and go to PD also almost everyone people call each other by their main names and don't get banned

RE: blackie ban appeal - Emperor - 06-06-2022

Hello amongstus43

I was the Staff member that banned you in this case.
You have called him Ethan Bellview, in that matter it makes it Metagaming even if it was just once.
From my perspective, the sole reason of you following him around for solid 10mins was to call him a fed because of the Police Character he had. As you obviously knew that.
He didnt leave out the section where he said "follow me into PD" though if I recollect correctly that has happened after you called him his Cop Character name.

What Shadow did, in regards of his warning issued to you, is unknown to me. As I can only see the note.
You should check up with him what has happened there.

I have banned you for 5 hours because of the previous warning on Metagaming and you metagaming again.
I think the time is reasonable as 5 hours isn't long. And I think it is more of a lession than just a warning, of which you have plenty already (different ones).

RE: blackie ban appeal - amongstus43 - 06-06-2022

(06-06-2022, 06:45 PM)Emperor Wrote: Hello amongstus43

I was the Staff member that banned you in this case.
You have called him Ethan Bellview, in that matter it makes it Metagaming even if it was just once.
From my perspective, the sole reason of you following him around for solid 10mins was to call him a fed because of the Police Character he had. As you obviously knew that.
He didnt leave out the section where he said "follow me into PD" though if I recollect correctly that has happened after you called him his Cop Character name.

What Shadow did, in regards of his warning issued to you, is unknown to me. As I can only see the note.
You should check up with him what has happened there.

I have banned you for 5 hours because of the previous warning on Metagaming and you metagaming again.
I think the time is reasonable as 5 hours isn't long. And I think it is more of a lession than just a warning, of which you have plenty already (different ones).

I think banning me for saying his name is petty considering the entirety of the server do the exact same thing on a daily basis, I followed him around because he was acting like a fed its not my problem if the clip that he has the ability to trim down provided to you shows a side that puts me in the worst light without the entire scenario of us originally witnessing him act like a fed, I said his name once and then didnt say it again as I realised it was an issue. I can still call him a fed for him acting like a fed prior. 

I would understand the ban if I literally kept saying "its corporal ethan bellview" numerous times and then saying hes patrol and his badge number etc but I didn't do that.

In regards to "call him a fed because of the Police Character he had.I was calling him a fed due to him literally acting like a fed. (not because of his cop char lol as if he was his cop char he'd have the same playermodel as his cop char undercover)

RE: blackie ban appeal - Emperor - 06-06-2022

The reason may seem petty to you and others. The rule may not be enforced frequently.
Though when somebody makes a ticket and reports the issue to staff we have to act on it.

In regards to how "hard" the rule was broken, it doesent really matter. As it was broken in the first place.

I would be okay with it if your ban was reduced to 1 hour.

Best regards

RE: blackie ban appeal - amongstus43 - 06-06-2022

(06-06-2022, 07:09 PM)Emperor Wrote: The reason may seem petty to you and others. The rule may not be enforced frequently.
Though when somebody makes a ticket and reports the issue to staff we have to act on it.

In regards to how "hard" the rule was broken, it doesent really matter. As it was broken in the first place.

I would be okay with it if your ban was reduced to 1 hour.

Best regards

Sounds alright to me considering the warn I wasn't notified of and I get your Point of view too as you weren't the one originally warning me without a sit. One hour is reasonable to me but I can't lie it's funny you say about how hard the rule was broken as I've never seen tophat gang be banned for there blatant mingery.

RE: blackie ban appeal - Emperor - 06-06-2022

(06-06-2022, 07:12 PM)amongstus43 Wrote:
(06-06-2022, 07:09 PM)Emperor Wrote: The reason may seem petty to you and others. The rule may not be enforced frequently.
Though when somebody makes a ticket and reports the issue to staff we have to act on it.

In regards to how "hard" the rule was broken, it doesent really matter. As it was broken in the first place.

I would be okay with it if your ban was reduced to 1 hour.

Best regards

Sounds alright to me considering the warn I wasn't notified of and I get your Point of view too as you weren't the one originally warning me without a sit. One hour is reasonable to me but I can't lie it's funny you say about how hard the rule was broken as I've never seen tophat gang be banned for there blatant mingery.
Your Ban has been lifted

blackie ban appeal - Pendred - 06-06-2022

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.