Diverge Networks
Flag Appeal pt2 - Printable Version

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Flag Appeal pt2 - ExodusMal - 06-08-2022

Your Name: Vito Heo

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:560310320

Staff Member involved: Rem 

What flags were blacklisted from you?: Physics gun, tool gun, props

Reason for blacklist (if given): prop abuse

Why should they be returned?: So, to give a brief summary of what happened surrounding this event, I will say that I slightly moved Rems car with a prop and my physics gun. I know this against the rules but my reasoning for doing it was that I was zoned out due to just getting out of a frustrating conversation I had with a person irl. I was told to take some time to "Review the rules" and whatnot so that's exactly what I have done. It's been 2 weeks and I have learned from my mistake. I will not prop minge again, I hadn't abused it before this was my first and only time. I am asking that I get them back so I may use them in real valid rp conditions. I am very sorry for my mistakes and I hope we can all proceed forward in a manner that benefits all. Thank you.

RE: Flag Appeal pt2 - Romullus - 06-09-2022


Next offense related to Flags will be permanent.
