Diverge Networks
Dumpster Diving - Printable Version

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Dumpster Diving - David Oldster - 06-17-2022

I was thinking about another way to make money that's is legal and anyone can do. I thought about dumpster diving.

How would this work?:
You would go to the dumpsters around the map and there would be items in the dumpster. There would be things from Cassettes, old monitors or some scrap medal. You would pick the items up and put them in your inventory. After you collect the items you bring them to a NPC or a player (depending how the devs want it to be) and sell them, similar to oil. After 10 minutes the items will refresh/respawn depending if there is items in the dumpster.

What would be the items and how much would it be sold for?:
Cassette player: $80
Cassettes: $3
Old TV: $85
Radiator: $60
Scrap medal: $45
Broken lamp $10
Jewelry: $140
(Devs can addon to the items)

If admins/ devs have more ideas for this concept, message here or message my discord Captain Raccoon#6416

RE: Dumpster Diving - Billy Longavetti - 06-18-2022

+1 I like this idea alot of people would enjoy hobo rp

RE: Dumpster Diving - JimmyRusso - 06-18-2022

+1 seems like a good idea, would be a way for new players to make money.

RE: Dumpster Diving - Kieran C. - 06-18-2022

+1 Gives more opportunity to delve into different characters that you'd definitely see around New York. Like.......... homeless people.

RE: Dumpster Diving - Pendred - 06-22-2022

Accepted, showcase video will be posted in a few hours in Discord.