Diverge Networks
Appeal - Printable Version

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Appeal - Jon - 06-20-2022

Your Name: Counqerland

Your SteamID 76561199087531045


Length of ban: 28 days its been 3 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology

Why should you be unbanned? Well first of I don't understand MRDM it was just rdm let me explain. This one family called La Principato Famiglia. They had pissed me off. I walked into there headquarters shot a few bullets at the door the head of it got up I shot him dead. I understand that was most likely RDM I was very mad i've read the rules and will never do that again i'm very sorry. After that I ran and got shot dead. Punched him a few times then got in my car drove away. I then left the game about a minute after that because I had to do something irl I assume that is where ltap comes from. I did not leave to avoid punishment I had to go irl and I was not in a sit at the time of me leaving but if anything big ever happens ill make sure I don't have anything to do irl just incase this happens again. For the minge part I can understand I was being a little shit by shooting up there place but I swear ill never do it again and i'm very sorry I did. The NITRP is just false in my opinion i've played on this server for almost a month and im a donater to the server. I just did a stupid thing but if you are so kind to unban me ill come back and rp better then I have ever before. I have taken these 3 days to think about what I did and read the rules. I swear ill never do it ever again thank you. I own up to what I did and will never do it again. I love the server and will make sure I will stay clean.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

RE: Appeal - Fritz Von - 06-20-2022

+1 this is my friend and he has been sad about his ban I think he's learned his lesson. hes nice and also lets me use his email since I don't have one.

Appeal - Rem - 06-20-2022

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules