Diverge Networks
Luke Roger Unban - Printable Version

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Luke Roger Unban - i dont know what to call this - 06-25-2022

Your Name: Luke Roger

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:519588464

Reason for ban: MINGE PO x3 | RDM x2, PO

Length of ban: 2 Weeks

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute

Why should you be unbanned? Kenith and I were doing a training that was approved by Captain Wayne when Greantea got involved on his pd Char (dimitri Russiv) and opened fire on both of us killing me and injuring kenith, while getting killed by dimitri russiv. greantea did not bring us to a sit and inform us on what and why the ban is happening, he decided to ban us and warn another officer 3 times for watching me and kenith do our training, which came to a idea once Greantea felt he had to get involved on his Pd Char. He had done nothing to conclude the "MRDM" and rather ban us immediately as we were a threat apparently he also felt the need to do this on Dimitri Russiv instead of being an admin. He would rather leave out the details where he also RDM'd me, and injured kenith. and also leave out the false admin rdm ticket. And how he was involved and yet still banned us

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd0rDjIrLSs

RE: Luke Roger Unban - Arth - 06-25-2022

is that a fr or an ong moment

RE: Luke Roger Unban - Rem - 06-25-2022

What you are doing is still against the rules.

You must remain in character at all times

If what you are doing is "training" for PD, it should be actual training how it would actually be done in RP.

Ban reason changed to, FailRP/NITRP, but you will be unbanned.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be modified.