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APPEAL PK - Printable Version

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APPEAL PK - fishsas - 07-05-2022

Name of Character: Antonio "Montana" Scaleta

SteamID :STEAM_0:0:119722069

Date of PK:7/2/2022

Reason for PK: Gunfight, killed by police

Why should you be unPK'd?:
I am certain what had occurred on 7/2/2022 had been grossly blown out of proportion, both in-character and out-of-character, regarding the scenario leading up to and directly itself in the perma-kill of my character, Antonio ‘Montana’ Scaleta. Put short, a simple shootout which I had not initiated occurred directly in the vicinity of my property, and in the confusion myself and many other parties were engaging with one-another and a number were killed. I’d like to share both my personal in-perspective account, and logical, contextual reasoning for why both the scenario should not have occurred, and is in no way worthy of meriting the perma-kill of my character.  

During what had happened immediately in my perspective, I had seen the character of Sergeant Jack McClean open fire and engage with a mourner of the funeral of Artie Emm (which I had helped facilitate on my property) down the street in the vicinity of my property, and overall a general scuffle in said direction. Along with this, I was not certain of the identity of Jack McClean, who was turned around without his weapon drawn, opening fire as I mentioned before. It is worth note that before things had escalated, the police had engaged grossly in misconduct and disrupted a burial, even drawing their weapons and killing one of their own. So, as this situation escalated outside of my immediate property I had decided to engage in what seemed like a number of troublemakers RDMing several persons and many more engaged in a brewing shootout. Anywho, as this situation continued I opened fire, and as Jack McClean turned about to face me he had gunned down one of my associates whom had not drawn his gun in the confusion, and still, in the heat of the moment I had begun to disengage from firing, and was then scrambling to put away my weapon for a proper surrender and de-escalation of the situation, but was gunned down in the process. A mourner to my rear had also drawn his weapon, firing around me as I recall and then possibly towards the police as they positioned themselves near our direction.                                                                                                                                                  My recollection of what happened (alongside video evidence to correspond it) shows a scenario where several parties were engaged in a simple gunfight, with no roleplay context whatsoever. Minge behavior had occurred from the gravesite where it initially began, until it brewed into a full-scale shootout of which I only became engaged in, in defense of innocent persons and understandably the safety and integrity of my property, per-fitting my in-character nature. I simply brushed this off as a mere accident and unfortunate loss of assets to everyone involved, and a slight inconvenience. Although, the person or not even themselves who had killed me deemed it an appropriate PK-worthy scenario. 

Along with corroborating evidence, I can provide reference to several rules which compliment my rationale regarding the situation. Firstly, in reference to Rule 9 of the Killing rules, I had not engaged first nor had any civilian party or any of my associates as well in the shootout. Both the police had escalated the situation and gave the pretenses for it. 

(Initiating a shootout or violent confrontation with Police can lead to a PK. Killing or attacking an Officer after initiating a violent confrontation leaves you PK active from officers for about 15 minutes. Generally we want people to not immediately go for the gun when dealing with Police, as a result if you escalate a situation to a shootout and lose you can be punished via PK as your character was killed. This does not apply if it is the Police that fired first or escalated to a shootout.)

Furthermore, in any possible reference to rule 11 of the Killing rules, neither my party nor I would merit being criminals under the context, in fact, far from it given my actions at the defense of property, and obviously as understood, the ‘criminal’ distinction applies to active ‘criminal’ characters via criminal action, and not just the nature of the character. (I.e. IC affiliation) 

(In regards to criminal on Police violence. Criminals who open fire on police and are killed in the shootout can be subject to a PK. This is to instill a realistic consequence when engaging in shootouts with Law Enforcement as well as to encourage more users to RP or utilize Law RP to avoid legal trouble instead of immediately resorting to violence.)

Once more, under police and government rules there is a distinction that is made regarding initiating shootouts, the valid or unvalid contexts and what is PK worthy. Yet again, it clearly denotes that ‘This does not apply if the Officer initiates the gun fire or escalates the situation to violence.’, and starting off with Initiating as a key word regarding any situations like this. I both neither escalated the situation, nor initiated it to,                                                                                                                                                                                           (Initiating a gunfight or violent confrontation with the police and dying will result in a PK. When you kill Officers unprovoked you are PK active for 15 minutes

This does not apply to players who hit officers with their fists (Unless they Murder them) This applies when a person shoots / stabs police for no reason or for a non valid reason (Traffic Ticket/insults/etc) This does not apply if the Officer initiates the gun fire or escalates the situation to violence.

Officers may not execute suspects, they must make an effort to arrest a suspect when possible render aid to a bleeding suspect.)

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:




unknown_-_2022-07-04T013818.777.png (1089×197) (discordapp.com)

unknown_-_2022-07-04T034703.385.png (1092×163) (discordapp.com)

RE: APPEAL PK - Rem - 07-05-2022

With the evidence you provided, PD didn't escalate the situation.

Sure, you put your weapon away, but you pulled out a tool gun, which looks like a gun to players who are not looking closely (which is fair in this situation).

PD responded fairly to you shooting.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.