Diverge Networks
PK Appeal Tryone Wood - Printable Version

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PK Appeal Tryone Wood - Aidan Rothschild - 07-13-2022

Name of Character:      Tryone Wood

SteamID:      STEAM_0:0:155861111

Date of PK:      07/12/22

Reason for PK:      There was no reason me and my fellow gang member were testing guns on each other, and I died because of it.

Why should you be unPK'd?:      

I have only been playing for 4 days now I've been pretty active, I really like this server and want to play more! I have been 
learning as I go playing this server and I have met a lot of new people and a lot of people have helped me through the ways, but I did not know that you can get perm killed in this game this was only an accident and we didn't even mean for me to die.

RE: PK Appeal Tryone Wood - Verax - 07-13-2022

Hi, I was the staff member that administered the PK. Your faction leader authorized your PK. As I observed the assassination, you were not "testing guns" but driving a car with a guy in your passenger seat. Your two "friends" within your faction came up and asked to talk to you in the car, and you began to drive away quickly. They shot you as your tried to drive off.

The reason was due to you being a snitch and attempting to join another faction. That is their RP reasoning for it as Faction Leaders/Co-Leaders have the ability to utilize what is called "Don's Orders."

RE: PK Appeal Tryone Wood - Aidan Rothschild - 07-13-2022

Okay yes, I agree that we were not testing guns I apologize, just thought it would be faster to be un PKed but snitching was not my intentions at all I was simply with the other faction members for deals my faction took it the complete other way. I was trying to drive off yes, because my friend who is in the other faction told me too drive, I was not in the game at the time was tabed out so I tabed in and went to drive and got killed I really had no idea what was going on, I was grinding all day today and I was all past 3 days playing and I hate for it all the end like this didn't know it could. Is there any way with getting my character respawned?

RE: PK Appeal Tryone Wood - xanman666777 - 07-13-2022

You are saying the faction took it the wrong way and that you want to be unPk'd but you can't. It was the final decision by the higher ups because you told them you were cooperating with the police and because you tried to kill a fellow member.

RE: PK Appeal Tryone Wood - Aidan Rothschild - 07-13-2022

Um First who are you @xanman666777 and where did you come from? ... Second who said anything about cooperating with the police? and anything else about trying to kill a fellow member I never tried to kill anybody I never even had a gun holstered all I did in this this server was grind for money.

RE: PK Appeal Tryone Wood - Arth - 07-13-2022

Admitted to lying in his PK Appeal, never try and join another faction on your already whitelisted character. Just make a new character, and don't be a snitch. PK seems reasonable and the faction leader was in the right to get somebody to PK you.

Family Member Kills

When joining a criminal faction all users understand and partake in the risk of being PK'ed as is the nature of being a criminal. Members of a faction who break their IC code of conduct or run risk to the faction can be ordered killed by the faction leader. 
[Image: 6c6d04d8ad1824d449f0a4db060a065a.png]


■ Actively betraying the gang.
● Examples: Intentionally ratting to the police, Intentionally setting the gang up to be attacked by rivals, or intentionally giving away gang secrets to a rival in an attempt to profit.
○ If they’re in your family, they must have done something to directly harm the family, yourself, or another member of the family.

Read the PK Guidelines for the future


RE: PK Appeal Tryone Wood - Canadian-bacon - 07-13-2022

Why did this guy reply?

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.