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J.B. PK Appeal - Printable Version

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J.B. PK Appeal - Guitar Guy - 07-14-2022

Name of Character: Justin "J.B." Bernard

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90879973

Date of PK: 7/14/22

Reason for PK: Getting in a shootout with cops and dying

Why should you be unPK'd?: To answer this question I'll start by filling in the issues I have with the situation.
1. Traffic stop should have never commenced due to no valid reason to be pulled over:
No traffic violations, no visible gun on anyone's back, no call made that we had guns on us or someone saw guns on us, no possible IC way we could be identified as Davis Boys or anyone the police already had a warrant on due to a neutral color car with 3 white shirts inside, (going off player models is not valid reason for a stop). That being said, in my opinion the traffic stop had to reason to ever happen and should be voided due to no IC reason for it in the first place. I'd love to see the dash cam or body cam footage of what gave this officer his "reasonable suspicion" that we had a firearm on us.

2. No way to tell if there was or was not a gun on any person in the vehicle:
Again with no gun on anyone's back and no evidence from the reasons stated above there should have been no reason why the officer continued the stop with no evidence of a gun on anyone in the car. Which leads to the question of is it meta or was he basing his entire stop off a random hunch. Not to mention the Senior Officer left the scene to chase the first officer's stolen cop car. On my cop char i know that although the stolen cop car is a big deal it would be something you call in if your already dealing with a stop, you would not leave a fellow officer alone with 3 possibly armed suspects. I think even the Sr. Officer knew the stop was BS. First officer could have at least lied and said we ran a red light or something when pulling us over.

3. Johnny (the admin who pk'ed me) also known as Frank Lupo IC has been building a case against the Davis Boys gang, which brings IC and possible OOC bias towards my appeal:
I would prefer if another staff member reviewed the appeal besides Johnny. Don't have anything against Johnny personally, but it wouldn't feel right having the same person who spent a good portion of their free time spying on townhouse 3 and the Davis Boys through a camera from the overhead subway in NYC (on multiple occasions), review the PK appeal of the gang leader he is currently trying to take down on a character he plays. Had a similar issue when bonito was still an admin and took a ticket regarding situation where a character of his was involved IC'ly.

In closing i feel i should be unpk'ed due to the whole situation being tainted from the start. No valid reason for the stop as there was no reasonable suspicion or probably cause, A minge stole the officer's car that was pulling me over, the main cop spearheading surveillance against my faction happens to be the admin who pk's me, just a whole shit show of a situation, however i cant deny i shot  at cops and died in that situation just not looking to go out in a goofy way on this character.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: 

RE: J.B. PK Appeal - ZOOMER - 07-14-2022

Err just to clarify that admin's can't accept nor deny PK appeals.

RE: J.B. PK Appeal - Guitar Guy - 07-14-2022

(07-14-2022, 12:43 PM)ZOOMER Wrote: Err just to clarify that admin's can't accept nor deny PK appeals.

understood just wanted a second pair of eyes

RE: J.B. PK Appeal - Pendred - 07-14-2022

All reasons you've provided are completely irrelevant and are not a reason for this to be reversed. Those cops were dumb as hell and wrong on many levels, but that's something to be dealt with IC. You probably could've built a decent case against the NYPD and gotten out of that situation without shooting.

There's no evidence other than word for your claim of metagame, judging from that clip you were the ones in the wrong.

You sealed your fate when you decided to pull a gun out and open fire, you took a risk, and it didn't work. You died. That's it. I don't know what you expected, and as a long time player, you should know how it works.

Unfortunately this means the PK will remain and this appeal is denied.