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Jerm's/Jamal Colerds/Tayvion Colerds Staff APP! - Printable Version

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Jerm's/Jamal Colerds/Tayvion Colerds Staff APP! - Jerm - 07-16-2022

In-Game Name(s): Officer Tayvion Colerds/Jamal Colerds

Steam Name: Vortessence

Steam Profile Linkhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198147624003/

Steam ID:76561198147624003

Discord UsernameJerm#7079

Age: 18

Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game)1w 3d 21h 27m (I've Played Mobsters paradise, Not new to the genre\ I've also started playing this since 2020 I believe. I remember the CW weapons and workbenches for drugs)

The server you spend the most time on (Miami/New York): New York

Time Zone: PST 

How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: I can probably dedicate my time to moderating for like the whole day, I've been active as I can be during the past couple of weeks getting back into this game mode.

Have you read the rules?: Yes.

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes.

Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand)Yes.

Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: I'm Not familiar with both of those but I've Used ULX commands on DarkRP servers but SAM looks easy to use! I haven't seen Nutscript. But I can learn of course with some teaching and patience.

Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes.
Long Answer
Questions proceeded with an Asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum.

What is your motivation/reason for applying?: You know, There are a bunch of people complaining about tickets taking so long, and I'm also so immersed in the ROLEPLAY aspect of the server so I'd like to take people's requests and RP at the same time because id like to help the server grow and decrease the number of minge problems. Because it's really an ongoing problem with the server I have seen so far in terms of OOC and ICly and I want to make it an enjoyable experience for others with no problems whatsoever. I also want the server to have a long lifespan and not decrease in its player base which turns out to be a  good experience for the common population of the server. 

Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I'd Have to say I'm an outgoing individual, I'm pretty helpful too, I'm respectable, I have somewhat of a cool head listening to people, I can listen and follow orders. I'm Friendly and somewhat chill. I've never really had any problems with anyone on the server unless they are minges ofc but I always make sits when that's the problem.. I think some of the staff can vouch for me on the reports I've made on the minges on the server, most of all I'm active because I have a cop char on the server and usually the server needs a helping hand with the crime, and I'm flexible If you want me to partake in an event I can If you want me to take sits while you guys do major events I can. I'm pretty flexible with aspects of being a moderator on MafiaRP.

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where what position and how long): I was a Moderator at NSN (Nonstop networks) before it Shutdown But I think I got demoted for inactivity, But then the server shut down so I never really went back to it because I was inactive and had school and couldn't fulfill my duties as a moderator so I stepped down and or got demoted because of it. I'd say I was in that position for a good like 2-4 months. But yet again never had problems with the staff team.

Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: I Wouldnt really say banned, but mostly verbal warns. I've never been banned in the past from what I recall. 

Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you? People think I'm some PK-hungry cop even though I'm really not everyone always mentions my name in OOC text chat so id has to say I'm pretty known. Some people like me some don't. But it is what it is. You'll always have trolls and minges despising you when you're trying to make a realistic, and fun enjoyable RP experience for others. I currently have a criminal faction char Jamal Colerds, that I'm trying to you know get my name out there with. You, admins, have seen me in OOC chat just joking and memeing around. I'm pretty respectful to others or at least I try my best to. [b] I'm mostly known for the OOC comments, Such as trying to box Janitor Royland, Helping some players, I like to start topics from OOC As well. My voice is pretty noticeable too. EVERYONE kinda knows me.[/b]

Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: I'd Say Duckium/Ellis Russell He told me to give it a try. He's such a great guy and will become a great staff member. Some people also said I'm a pretty chill and helpful person and I should try to become a moderator.
Problem Solving
Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take.

Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?:  First, Id talk to the guy and say, Make a ticket. Then switch off my char and take it off from there on my staff char. Then ask the victim how it started and then ill ask the aggressor why he did what he did, and check if it's his first offense it'll just be a warning but with given proof of course by the victim....I'll monitor the situation from there ghosted, to see if he does it again then I would have a talk with the higher up's in the staffing system, then ask their opinion on the whole situation if need be. Then take the course of action. Hopefully in the end no one has to get banned or receive punishment, But if that's the outcome of the situation it is what it is.

You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: Id Record, Gather some evidence , Then make a staff report on the forums with proof of the staff being incompetent and unable to do his or her job in a mature, safe way, and respectful way for the community.

A very good friend of yours joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. How do you proceed to know this can affect your friendship with them?: I'd Get a clip from the victim and analyze the clip and take it from there. Here are my punishments. First I'd Warn them, Give them a warning, Again, Then ask a higher-up how I should deal with this situation and get my answer from there. It'll probably be a ban if it's a repeated offense, But If the clip is valid and it's a valid ban, for the time being. But I'd treat them like a normal person there are no freebies for friends. This sounds a bit harsh but it is what it is. But at the end of the day, we are here to have fun! We never want to resort to banning but will do if a rule is broken repeatedly
Thank you for reading and have a good day.  

RE: My Staff APP! - Duckium - 07-16-2022

Nice guy, good rper a guy that you'd probably want to hang out with. He is also very active

RE: My Staff APP! - Gr1m - 07-17-2022

-1. I've seen very little of you on the server and the little bit I have has not been positive to say the least.

RE: My Staff APP! - Jerm - 07-18-2022

(07-17-2022, 06:28 PM)Gr1m Wrote: -1. I've seen very little of you on the server and the little bit I have has not been positive to say the least.
Can  you please give me an example of me not being positive in the server? because ive never had any problems with anyone in the server at all. And ive been on my cop char all the time. I just made a crime char.

RE: My Staff APP! - Cameron - 07-19-2022

+1 All rp actions were great IC, great dude, sounds like he has the dedication to help the server out

RE: Jerm's Staff APP! - gorllla - 07-19-2022

+1 for all of his activity and help on this server and the service he provided to the community in his cop character.

RE: My Staff APP! - JJ the god - 07-19-2022

(07-17-2022, 06:28 PM)Gr1m Wrote: -1. I've seen very little of you on the server and the little bit I have has not been positive to say the least.
nigga you've been playing for probably less then year stfu, newgen ass mf

RE: Jerm's Staff APP! - pablo - 07-20-2022

+1 good man knows the rules and will enforce them Fairly

RE: Jerm's Staff APP! - sharuji - 07-20-2022

+1. Dude is major active, cool as can be, and knows the rules.

RE: Jerm's Staff APP! - JJ the god - 07-20-2022

+1 real g always follows rules