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ban appeal - Printable Version

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ban appeal - Arth - 07-18-2022

Your Name: Savino R. Burns

 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177466331

 Reason for ban: ARDM, NITRP

 Length of ban: 14 days

Reason for appeal: Dispute

 Why should you be unbanned? First off, I was at no point minging during this time, I heard about the inauguration and decided to attend, when I walked in, the police proceeded to hit me and as I tried to go back, they blocked me from leaving and proceeded to hit me, It was about the point of which my health was 3/4's down when I decided to retaliate with a pistol and then I got banned. I think I should be unbanned because the officers weren't blocking the door and when I went in didn't direct me to leave before hitting me and nearly killed me before I pulled out a gun. In the rules, I would be PKed for initiating a gunfight with a cop and dying, not a ban. It's not RDM, they literally tried to kill me.  The clip is private, if you need it, dm me. cluff#5360.

Keep in mind this admin, Infamy, added 2 PO's because he banned me 2 times for the same thing, making my PO record even worse...

RE: ban appeal - METHgethighandkillgod420 - 07-18-2022

I was in attendance during the roleplay situation (the inauguration) and I found the ordeal rather amusing however expectedly punishable for interfering with something rather roleplay intensive. However, I also believe given the context of the in-character chaos of the entrance to city hall, and the fact that you didn't shoot into the crowd or specifically at Nora Capello per say, the ban seems a little too lengthy, in my opinion.

RE: ban appeal - ExodusMal - 07-18-2022

I concur, the ban seems too lengthy, I too was present during the inauguration and I was, along with others, getting beaten by the cops for no reason, they weren't trying to arrest and keep out, they were blatantly trying to kill. I requested the clip from Arth, and upon viewing it, it is clear that they were trying if not about to kill him with their batons, my completely unbiased opionion is that he is not deserving of this punishment, a pk, yes, but this 14 day ban is preposterous.

(Im aware of the new changelog regarding the inability to kill with batons but they were just spamming him instead of trying to get him to leave)

RE: doodle - Infamy - 07-18-2022

Well to begin,

Your sole purpose in shooting up the inauguration was to assassinate Nora Capello according to Thyself.

I quote,

Now, during this entire situation, you only made a ticket to kidnap her via the in-game system. Now String claimed your case and told you that there were no GMs available and returned and closed your ticket. Meaning you weren't able to follow through with your "idea". Now the rule states, "Any murder of a police officer or politician must be weighed with the cons. To murder an officer or government official is a serious matter. Due to this, the reasons needed to kill an officer or politician are raised. They must have harmed your family in a significant way. We implore you to also pursue and exhaust all legal options before resorting to murder, else the entire NYPD will be impeding your business during their investigations."

Yet nothing inside of this rule occurred to yourself, you claim Jack M'coy paid you. I stated in our DMS that hits are for PKs only, yet you didn't have a ticket for a pk on her. And when you went into the City Hall, you didn't even shoot her, you shot everyone else besides her. Therefore you were banned for ARDM and NITRP. Showing you have no intentions to roleplay once so ever due to your failure to even use any sort of actual roleplay to act in-game.

(07-18-2022, 02:35 AM)Arth Wrote: Keep in mind this admin, Infamy, added 2 PO's because he banned me 2 times for the same thing, making my PO record even worse...
Also, I did not include that in your POs. If you'd like here is a list of all of your notes in-game as well.

https://imgur.com/a/lySjkIl - First Page

(07-18-2022, 04:19 AM)ExodusMal Wrote: I concur, the ban seems too lengthy, I too was present during the inauguration and I was, along with others, getting beaten by the cops for no reason, they weren't trying to arrest and keep out, they were blatantly trying to kill. I requested the clip from Arth, and upon viewing it, it is clear that they were trying if not about to kill him with their batons, my completely unbiased opionion is that he is not deserving of this punishment, a pk, yes, but this 14 day ban is preposterous.

(Im aware of the new changelog regarding the inability to kill with batons but they were just spamming him instead of trying to get him to leave)
Now once you view my points and you still have the same, I would beg to differ. Arth was denied an event due to no GMs being able. Then his whole entire argument became the fact that Jack M'coy paid him to do so. Now there are no logs between the two of any money being handed to one another. So his claim is false and as I said before, hits are only for PKs sent out by a faction due to any reasons that are posted in the PK Guidelines. Now as previously stated there were no PK tickets upon her nor any reason to do so.

I have shown empathy before and have revoked your ban on my own accord. Yet you still continue to make the same mistakes, hence the bans volume.

RE: doodle - Arth - 07-18-2022

(07-18-2022, 04:34 AM)Infamy Wrote: I didn't actually get hired to PK Nora, and I did not even attempt to shoot at Nora. Jack had no evidence that could even PK Nora, I don't understand how you can't just take a joke, not even Jack is that down, note that you can even see the fucking emojis that says I was being sarcastic. The officers were knowingly harming me with no mindset to stop, and being PKed was supposed to be the only OOC situation involved with this, but you had to ban me for 2 weeks due to me killing an officer using excessive force on me? This shouldn't even be discussed, I was about to die, the officers blocking me from even moving and hitting me with their batons, shotguns and rifles pointed at me, and you want me to what; stand there and get shot while unarmed?  I wanted to get a GM because I wanted to make an event out of taking Nora or Winston hostage, since I thought it would be something fun for both the PD and civilians. My ticket for a GM got taken by a moderator and he said no GM was available. I went to City Hall and only wanted to watch as Nora became mayor, but while I was trying to RP and watch the inauguration, the officers blocked me from even moving, they pointed shotguns and pistols at me, continuously hitting me with the baton. They overall used excessive force, I didn't threaten them, I had no open carry weapon out, to them I was unarmed, I didn't have my fists out, with all the screaming happening I couldn't even hear them speak. You don't let me learn from my mistakes. I admit, I have a lot of PO's, and I haven't been breaking any rules, and I didn't break any rules tonight, I defended myself while corrupt officers blatantly assaulted me. Let me read to you some of the rules I followed.  
Killing Rules
You may attack Officers if they attempt to Arrest/Detain you or a member of your group. Knowing that an arrest or detainment would lead to a FELONY charge (Having illegal guns/drugs/etc.) You are PK active after shooting/killing an officer.
I had an illegal firearm on me, and I saw an officer attempting to taze me, resulting in me getting detained, searched, and charged with a felony.

In regards to criminal on Police violence. Criminals who open fire on police and are killed in the shootout can be subject to a PK
During the shooting, I was  then frozen for about a minute, unfrozen, assuming that the moderator or administrator thought I was following the rules, I continued the RP and started shooting again. While in the shootout, I bled to death and died, ultimately leading to a PK if you looked at it RP and Rule wise. 

what i found funny is that if you checked logs, i didnt lie to you to get rare cassette tapes. you didnt tell me i got warned, i had a clip of me grabbing the christmas tape from my atm and putting it in the cassette player, no idea why you added that one lol

RE: ban appeal - Rem - 07-18-2022

Attempting to "assassinate" the mayor during inauguration is unacceptable. It does not matter if you were paid to do so.

Your PO's have shown a lack of learning.

You are coming very near to your final chance.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules