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Claus Dagmar PK Appeal - Printable Version

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Claus Dagmar PK Appeal - marfit - 08-01-2022

Name of Character: Claus Dagmar

SteamID: 76561198278695115

Date of PK: 7/31/2022

Reason for PK: "Don's Orders - Breaking Faction Rules"

Why should you be unPK'd?: During a regular faction meeting, I am taken privately with the don and two of my superiors into a warehouse, where the don says "Do you know why you two are here?" (Out of the two, one of my superiors stood next to me STS). I assumed this to be kickups, but before I was able to speak I was gunned down and PK'd. I was then removed from the discord server, and immediately OOC blocked by everyone in the faction. Upon making a staff sit, I was told I violated faction rules, and that no more information could be given to prevent metagaming.

As far as I'm aware, this has happened out of the blue and I hadn't been informed prior of any rule violations. I hadn't been on in a few days either, with this being the first time I got on since Thursday. If I understood the exact reason why my character was PK'd I would have no issue but I am purposefully being left in the dark both by people I considered friends IC and OOC, and by staff themselves. 

RE: Claus Dagmar PK Appeal - Merc - 08-01-2022

You had been caught stealing from members of the same faction that is what rule you were breaking.

RE: Claus Dagmar PK Appeal - Smurf - 08-01-2022

Hello! I am the banning admin. The faction that you were pked from has a list of rules in their discord server. The more specific reason/rule you broke is that you are to not betray or take from your faction. You had a dons order placed on you for "Disregard of faction rules". This was because you had stolen from a solidified ranked man in the faction. I was given a specific don order on the reasoning and asked for elaboration that I received from them and this cause me to believe the evidence was sufficient enough for a pk. I hope this helps.

RE: Claus Dagmar PK Appeal - marfit - 08-01-2022

(08-01-2022, 03:14 AM)Smurf Wrote: Hello! I am the banning admin. The faction that you were pked from has a list of rules in their discord server. The more specific reason/rule you broke is that you are to not betray or take from your faction. You had a dons order placed on you for "Disregard of faction rules". This was because you had stolen from a solidified ranked man in the faction. I was given a specific don order on the reasoning and asked for elaboration that I received from them and this cause me to believe the evidence was sufficient enough for a pk. I hope this helps.

AFAIK this is blatantly false. Can I see the evidence of me "stealing" from members of the faction, or the elaboration they provided? I have done no such thing.

RE: Claus Dagmar PK Appeal - Rem - 08-02-2022

Unfortunately due to you joining a criminal faction, you have very little protection when it comes to your faction leader PKing you as it's apart of the risk. If they are certain you stole something that they will PK you for it, then there isn't much that will change that.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.