Diverge Networks
More Detailed Character Creation - Printable Version

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More Detailed Character Creation - bootlegdruid77 - 08-04-2022

Personally me I have been playing this server for a bit ( around 18 months ) and I have seen almost every face, model and clothing there Is to offer on this server and If you are like me you are getting a little tired of seeing the same old faces, cloths, models and body types I think It Is time to have a more detailed character creation system, a system with more faces, more hair styles that you could perhaps be changed at barbers, more body types ranging from overweight, slim or toned ( Not super buff just some muscle and not too overweight ) and some new cloths. And If you have a character already created I feel a prompt to change your appearance for existing players would be nice and after that If you want to change you would have to get plastic surgery.

RE: More Detailed Character Creation - Canadian-bacon - 08-04-2022

We're always looking to add more clothes but what you're asking for requires getting a modeler, whom are both rare to find and fucking expensive.

We have a good char selection compared to other servers. Even before the first release of the server. Before bonemerge you hade male 01 through 09 and that's about it. Now you have 30+ variations.

You've become stale to privilege unfortunately. Unless someone has actual models their requesting we add making a super generalized request like this isnt super helpful.

Unless of course you'd be willing to help fund us getting a modeler. Then we can swing something out.

RE: More Detailed Character Creation - Canadian-bacon - 08-04-2022

Also Plastic surgery NPC has existed for months at the Hospital.

RE: More Detailed Character Creation - Hoovis - 08-04-2022

An update like this would be unprecedented in Garry's Mod or any Half-Life 2 based game for that matter. If it was just as easy as subscribing to an addon, it would have been done by now. Something like this would be basically impossible to create, requiring custom models for everything to fix compatibility issues such as each hair type fitting each face, and each face type fitting each body, and each clothing piece being reworked to match each different body size. We are limited by the technology, development resources, and the game engine itself. While this is a very good suggestion, it would be near impossible. You have to remember, Garry's Mod is based off the Half-Life 2 engine, which was released just shy of twenty years ago. We have to keep expectations realistic. It's Garry's Mod, not GTA5 where character customization is built into the game engine as a very important feature.

RE: More Detailed Character Creation - Pendred - 01-07-2023

Not feasible to have such an indepth system. What we have is leagues ahead of any other server - not to mention the amount of free customisation available. Any servers with anything even remotely similar locks everything behind a paywall. Hundreds of faces and thousands of combinations of outfits, all for free.

We now offer exclusive custom clothing. So if there's something you want, you can pay for it to be made and implemented.