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Character Appeal - Printable Version

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Character Appeal - Tsar Payne - 08-14-2022

Name of Character:Vitor Romanov


Date of PK:8/13/2022

Reason for PK: Fail Rp  

Why should you be unPK'd?:i was PK cas a bunch of west dinalings use the Fail PK rule after i was car jack 2 times and had had try to get my car back a group of them came over and started to mug me so i pull a shot gun out defend my self and it was unloaded then thay killed me so then i went back to the car dealership to respawn my can and the the dingalings come back to rob me again and so i drove off and was geting chase for 10 min then thay shot me agian but i got a way then i went to the pd and sat there to be safe then i was drag in to a admin sit and was being told i was going to be PK buy [b]ZOOMER and was told to take it up to the forums to get my self  no longer PK.so in short they [/b]PK me and get a way with it so thay can have some fun.and form what i understand the dinaling gang will mug people and if thay dont't get what they get they go to the admins to get you PK and is a bit frustrating to see them kill people and mug people and just get away with it  and bend the rules to to have fun and get a way with it.sadly i don't have the event recorded.

RE: Character Appeal - ZOOMER - 08-14-2022

Hello, just to clarify that you got PKed due to breaking FearRP and died as a result, not FailRP.

Long story short there was a ticket made citing that you died after pulling out your own weapon while there were guns pointed at you.

This was the video provided:

RE: Character Appeal - MadMan49 - 08-14-2022

I was there when this happened. I wasn't PKed , but They shot me right before Tsar Payne. The dingalings were going around minging and they stole Tsar Paynes car, we went after them and I don't remember who shot first but I was killed. Then Tsar was killed.

RE: Character Appeal - Arth - 08-14-2022

I was a witness during this, I honestly have no idea what happened.

RE: Character Appeal - sharuji - 08-14-2022

+1. These guys have straight up minge names and were clearly mugging for the purpose of PKs and saying stuff like "get fucked, faggot." If there was ever a more obvious minge mugging group, I haven't seen it.

RE: Character Appeal - Willstep - 08-14-2022

+1 i personally believe he should be unpk'ed he has told me the story and it sound like the pk was complete bs and the mugging was aginst the mugging rules in the first place and yeah he should not be pk'ed

RE: Character Appeal - Lorenzo - 08-14-2022

+1 i personally think he should be unpkd this pk seems kinda dumb getting pkd for not putting your hands up and "breaking fear rp" seems kinda stupid

RE: Character Appeal - rubidascary59 - 08-14-2022

(08-14-2022, 03:14 AM)Tsar Payne Wrote: Name of Character:Vitor Romanov


Date of PK:8/13/2022

Reason for PK: Fail Rp  

Why should you be unPK'd?:i was PK cas a bunch of west dinalings use the Fail PK rule after i was car jack 2 times and had had try to get my car back a group of them came over and started to mug me so i pull a shot gun out defend my self and it was unloaded then thay killed me so then i went back to the car dealership to respawn my can and the the dingalings come back to rob me again and so i drove off and was geting chase for 10 min then thay shot me agian but i got a way then i went to the pd and sat there to be safe then i was drag in to a admin sit and was being told i was going to be PK buy [b]ZOOMER and was told to take it up to the forums to get my self  no longer PK.so in short they [/b]PK me and get a way with it so thay can have some fun.and form what i understand the dinaling gang will mug people and if thay dont't get what they get they go to the admins to get you PK and is a bit frustrating to see them kill people and mug people and just get away with it  and bend the rules to to have fun and get a way with it.sadly i don't have the event recorded.

(08-14-2022, 03:14 AM)Tsar Payne Wrote: Name of Character:Vitor Romanov


Date of PK:8/13/2022

Reason for PK: Fail Rp  

Why should you be unPK'd?:i was PK cas a bunch of west dinalings use the Fail PK rule after i was car jack 2 times and had had try to get my car back a group of them came over and started to mug me so i pull a shot gun out defend my self and it was unloaded then thay killed me so then i went back to the car dealership to respawn my can and the the dingalings come back to rob me again and so i drove off and was geting chase for 10 min then thay shot me agian but i got a way then i went to the pd and sat there to be safe then i was drag in to a admin sit and was being told i was going to be PK buy [b]ZOOMER and was told to take it up to the forums to get my self  no longer PK.so in short they [/b]PK me and get a way with it so thay can have some fun.and form what i understand the dinaling gang will mug people and if thay dont't get what they get they go to the admins to get you PK and is a bit frustrating to see them kill people and mug people and just get away with it  and bend the rules to to have fun and get a way with it.sadly i don't have the event recorded.

+1 that mf cool

RE: Character Appeal - Upir - 08-14-2022

+1 these guys must banned especially the west one, this guys break many times nlr and he just keep come back and keep saying i am west dingaling,you know me.
that him minging: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/wD6i3soamOZzo/d133746ZaAv2?invite=cr-MSxYU1UsNTYyMzQ0MTks
NLr: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/wD7iVemnFvjCQ/d1337PZGIv9l?invite=cr-MSx4N08sNTYyMzQ0MTks

RE: Character Appeal - Sammy - 08-14-2022


Went begging me to +1 is post. Then called me a "Cocksucker" When I said that I did not wanted to inteverne in a PK I was not invovled with.