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Demarcus Dijon Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Demarcus Dijon Ban Appeal - Koint - 08-18-2022

Your Name: Demarcus Dijon 

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:202494168 

Reason for ban: ERP

Length of ban: 3 Days 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): ERP is a very vague subject in the rules, I was RP'ing as a pimp getting customers to RP with, although I didn't know ERP was against the rules due to it being absolutely nowhere in the server rules, the only place the rule exists is in global rules, although that rule is very vague, 

12. Sexual Misconduct: Any players posting images or acting in Sexually inappropriate ways, in violation of our rules, Facepunch Terms of Service or Discord terms of service can and will be banned indefinitely. 

This rule implies that it is only against the rules if  A. if it violates "our rules" B. violates Gmod ToS C. violates Discord ToS. I'm still confused about what classifies as "our rules" as this is the only rule that talks about it. 

Why should you be unbanned? I believe if the staff are going to enforce a rule it should at least be an actual server rule, I Did not break Facepunch ToS in what I did as it was not a violent sexual act nor was it forced as people had to seek me out and pay me for the service. when this event took place a staff member acted as one of my "clients" and not once before or after the events took place did any of the staff members tell me that what I was doing was against the rules, instead they edged me on just to ban me. this entire situation could have been avoided if a staff member had just told me ERP was not allowed before hand, because there was no way I could have known other how. any staff member will tell you erp is not allowed so why did none of the staff tell me when I was breaking the rule??????

RE: Demarcus Dijon Ban Appeal - Rem - 08-18-2022

what did you even do in game

RE: Demarcus Dijon Ban Appeal - Cameron - 08-18-2022

(08-18-2022, 12:24 AM)Touka Wrote: what did you even do in game
He did /me takes out asian cock and started doing unneeded sucking noises in the dumpster

RE: Demarcus Dijon Ban Appeal - Rem - 08-18-2022

Just don't do this shit again. This is your one warning, even if its a joke. It's stupid and isn't allowed on here. The ban idea itself is valid, but it's not deep. Regardless, simply don't do it again.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.