Diverge Networks
Better Police Reports / Better Policing - Printable Version

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Better Police Reports / Better Policing - Fox - 08-23-2022

Hi all,

Just a note before the bulk of it: This isn't me moaning or crying about the police, I just think the suggestion below would really benefit the server. My entire gmod hours, dating back to 2010 has been played on RP servers and I've seen really good police RP.

At the moment, I believe there is a real problem with the way people are playing the police. There is a huge lack of RP, they don't investigate issues. A great example of this was yesterday I was around during a kidnapping, when they got to the location the perpetrators cut the binds of the person they kidnapped, so the police just let them go... back when I first started playing, the police would've arrested the perp and brought the kidnap victim to the station and interview and come to a conclusion that way. Rather than just walk off and go 'NAH NOTHING TO DO HERE'. There has also been TONS of Police shooting straight away after being punched, rather than saying 'Stop' and using tasers. They always immediately pull out their guns and start firing. You could say the above is 'bad cop RP' but it is literally every cop on the server atm.

The police either need retraining or the rules around them need tightening so we can record and contact admins.

This leads me onto my next point. 

We need a better system to report the police for their shit behaviour. There isn't always someone at City Hall online to report to physically and if you try and speak to a commanding officer, you just get told to fuck off.
What would be great is an item in city hall (similar to the voting ballot) that either lets you fill out a report (with full information and evidence) and webhooks it into a discord channel, or links you to a discord where you can make the complaint, which will then go to the nice folk at city hall as a ticket, to review. 

I understand that the police are supposed to be OP and be bastards, but it seems at the moment that none of them want to role-play, and I honestly think letting people go without questioning is a massive no no and we should be able to take action accordingly.

RE: Better Police Reports / Better Policing - Canadian-bacon - 08-23-2022

Observe the document that has existed to report an officer for 2 years
