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sharuji's staff application - Printable Version

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sharuji's staff application - sharuji - 08-25-2022

In-Game Name(s): Nathaniel Greene/Lashawndina Barqueefa/Juan Flores/Nicolas Garrido.
Steam Name: sharuji
Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/sharuji
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:97219540
Discord Username: sharuji#0001
Age: I'd prefer not to say on a public forum because of previous issues with doxxing in other communities, but over the age of 21.
Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 3w 2d 23h 29m.
Server you spend the most time on (Miami/New York): New York -- Southside.
Time Zone: CST.
How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: Generally 8 hours a day on the weekdays, primarily during the evenings. Up to 40 hours a week, given my free time outside of work. Significantly less on weekends but still about an hour or two each day even then.
Have you read the rules?: Yes.
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes.
Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand): Yes.
Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Very. Mostly Nutscript commands, some SAM.
Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes.
Long Answer

What is your motivation/reason for applying?:  For the most part, I was initially motivated by seeing the timezone differences impacting how many staff could be on in the very late hours, especially on weekdays. Following that, I came to genuinely enjoy the experiences I've had on the server and loved even the later times where I struggled more often to get ahold of staff. Though they respond as quickly as manageable more often than not; I want to lend a hand in keeping ticket times under control and focus heavily on the administrative aspect of staffing during the later hours when the bulk of my playtime has and will continue to be. But above all else, I wish to contribute something more back to a server that's given me such a great time over the last couple of months, continuing to contribute as a staff member and as a player both.

Why should you be considered over other candidates?:  I believe I bring a middle ground to two generations of G-Mod RPers that would provide an insight and a bridge to players who have experienced vastly different climates in the game. I've been playing G-Mod since 2011 and have nearly 17,000 hours in the game, attributing those hours to a wealth of gamemodes -- both serious RP and casual. From this, I've had experiences in both older generations of players, newer generations of players, and I've experienced everything on staff from heading up administrative teams to grinding out tickets as a trial moderator. Though most of those servers are gone these days; I'd like to think I've carried those experiences with me. Additionally, I have a healthy amount of playtime for the timeframe I've been playing and have a decent amount of insight into how the server operates on both sides of the fence. 

Altogether, I would equate my advantages over most other candidates to experience and perspective.

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): 
-A whole host of private NS event servers and public Clockwork RPs. In serious RP, this includes ShockCore Gaming (HL2RP-Event Helper) for a time, Dynex Networks (HL2RP-Administrator), Invictus Multiverse Roleplay (TextRP-Moderator), Ironcladded Multiverse Military RP (NS-MultiverseRP - Super Administrator/Event Runner). Most of these were for periods of 4-6 months as private campaigns or because I came in late towards the end of the server's life. 

-Nitro Networks - DarkRP (Superadmin) - 4months.

-Honestly a lot more smaller servers for 1-4 months, but they usually got swallowed up in the server list. Ranges from Nutscript to Fat Kid.

Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Yes, twice. RDM. Most of these times were earlier into my playtime where I had fundamental misunderstandings of the killing rules as they relate to direct and indirect threats. That's also typically where my notes came from. However, no bans within the last two months.
Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:  I am fairly well known on my Nathaniel Greene character, probably above absolutely anything else I'd be known for. I know I have a reputation for counteracting muggers even in riskier situations. Probably a bit reckless in that regard, but for the wider group of people, I'd say I'm relatively cool with. I can't speak on anyone's opinion for them, but I have had many positive interactions with people throughout the community, and I have a good habit of helping newer people monetarily and with directions. Ultimately, I'd say my reputation probably boils down to somewhere in the neutral.
Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Verax, Cordelier, Jerm.
Problem Solving

Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: (Misread the question. Edited.) I would disengage from whatever RP I'm currently in as quickly as reasonably possible, flag up onto staff, make sure I had a clip of the RDM if I witnessed it, and pull the offender into a sit if it was blatant RDM with no initiation or attempt to RP. If the situation is less clear, I'd wait for a ticket before flagging up, do so, and handle the situation normally as ever. But in either case, I wouldn't keep them waiting for longer than it takes to see if another staff member claims it. If they did RDM, I would punish them according to staff guidelines, and if not, I would send them on their way.

You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: Collect evidence first and foremost. Through logs, observations, and clips; I clip virtually every encounter I have on the server. I would bring it to a higher staff, such as UA's, attention even from the initial abuse to make it known that this is a possibility. I would continue to gather clipped, logged, and other evidence and bring it gradually to higher staff's attention as it takes place. If the behavior is permitted, it's better to report potential staff abuse when the evidence is relevant than wait until after it comes out at once to prevent a veritable 'storm' from happening. Especially when it could be very well prevented by just talking.

A very good friend of yours joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. How do you proceed knowing this can affect your friendship with them?: Like any other RDM case with a caveat. If other staff are on at the time, I will notify them of the behavior and allow them to take over the handling of the complaint to avoid any potential subconscious bias or accusations of bias, due to what might be viewed as a lackluster punishment on the affected party's perspective. If no other staff are available to take over the handling of the situation, I would handle the initial complaints just as I would any other case. Being friends with staff doesn't exclude you from memorizing a lenient, comparatively free set of rules compared to the broader RP community. If no evidence exists, I would spectate them further for continued behavior and perform staffing due diligence to prevent any offenses before they fully occur. If they are offending under the guise of 'no evidence', they will be punished all the same. 

Any and all of my friends should know that I'm always willing to help them have fun within the scope of the rules. If they chose not to come to me, they shouldn't expect special exemptions.

RE: sharuji's staff application - Whiplash - 08-25-2022

+1 Been around for a while good guy never had a negative encounter with Green he's always willing to help new players, would make a great member of the staff team.

RE: sharuji's staff application - Viral - 08-25-2022

+1 responsible member of the community.

RE: sharuji's staff application - Plixily - 08-25-2022

+1 A wonderful guy has played many hours overall fit for staff

RE: sharuji's staff application - Henryy - 08-25-2022

+1 Fit for staff

RE: sharuji's staff application - Jerm - 08-25-2022


All around a pretty chill guy. Never had any problems with him, pretty respectful person overall and would be fit for staff.

RE: sharuji's staff application - Cordelier - 08-25-2022

+1 productive member of the community

RE: sharuji's staff application - ExodusMal - 08-26-2022

Very intelligent, great rper, knows how to hold authoritative positions. He would be a great asset to the staff team, if not, the best.

Biggest +1 I can possibly give

RE: sharuji's staff application - Smurf - 08-26-2022

+1 I’ve never had a negative interaction with him. Very level headed individual and would be a nice addition to the staff team.

sharuji's staff application - Rem - 08-29-2022

Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team!
It is my pleasure to inform you that your application has been accepted.

Contact myself or another member of Management on Discord for training and to get setup.