Diverge Networks
Leon Jackson PK Appeal - Printable Version

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Leon Jackson PK Appeal - BlackLeon$ - 08-31-2022

Name of character: Leon Jackson


Date of PK: 8/30/2022

Reason for PK: breaking fearRP

Why should you be unPK'd?: Well I didn't know you have to fear when getting mugged and my first thought was to fight back with my fists which I did but next time if I do get mugged I'll fear and this will be my first PK ever on the server so I'm hoping you guys can let this go and not go hard on me for this incident and I don't got any clips or an pic to offer I hope you give me a chance and have a nice day.

Leon Jackson PK Appeal - Smurf - 08-31-2022

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

I understand that you may not have understood pk rules and how fearRP works and in a sense I sympathize with you; however, not having knowledge of server info such as guidelines and rules is not an excuse. You broke fearRP whether you understood it or not. I hope that this is a learning lesson for you so you do not make the same mistake. Have a wonderful day and I heavily recommend making yourself familiar with rules of the server and pk guidelines.