Diverge Networks
Mark Lee's Pk Appeal - Printable Version

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Mark Lee's Pk Appeal - prorockmonkey - 09-04-2022

Name of Character: Mark Lee 

SteamID: 76561199036976927

Date of PK: 9/03/2022

Reason for PK: Some guy came up to me and told me he was selling and he was from a ally faction, so we go in the kitchen of the dinner with like 5 people inside the other room and he proceeds to tie me without pointing a gun at me then he ran away later but he came back and i warned him and I killed him.

Why should you be unPK'd?: It was bait for them to PK me, no one would go unarmed robbing somone in there own dinner
 with 5 people inside the other room and they did nothing to stop him running away. It was bait into me killing him.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:

also is odd that he just stands still in the kitchen mid deal saying nothing for a bit, he runs back hoping to get shot, i only medal cliped once so that the furthest it goes , not even 8 minutes after that I was pked

RE: Mark Lee's Pk Appeal - aidu_ - 09-04-2022

You were pked for breaking faction rules

In the clip it shows you trying to sell in the diner which could put the faction in a bad spot and it is also a rule in the faction that you are not aloud to sell in any of the properties.

also one last thing the guy in your clip has no involvement with you getting pked

RE: Mark Lee's Pk Appeal - prorockmonkey - 09-04-2022

The person who hired me two days ago showed me how to make a deal and he did it right where I did, I did not do anything everyone else didn't do not to metion i was never introduced to the guy that pked me after that incident.

Mark Lee's Pk Appeal - Hue - 09-05-2022

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.