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Tough Mike PK Appeal - Printable Version

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Tough Mike PK Appeal - ieazyei_steam - 09-05-2022

Name of Character: Michael "Tough Mike" Bonanno

SteamID: 76561198332872217

Date of PK: 2022-09-02

Reason for PK: Inner family betrayal aka coup, whatever you wanna call it, After overseeing activity of the faction. This may or may not be accepted. But I would like to confirm some sort of metagaming, if it counts before time given to appeal. 

Why should you be unPK'd?: I felt the communication through discord, is what makes this PK unjustifiable, As well as not taking your time to find the character in-game, so you ask him through discord. As me personally didn't expect the betrayal. However, if this was a different story, I would accept the PK. To be clear, I was just walking and got killed, so I don't know who it is.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: (Don't have his in-game name.)[Image: 3d992a6870ba0b5de1e234f730828b01.png]

RE: Tough Mike PK Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 09-05-2022

In certain situations it can be, however in this circumstance I think the PK is still valid because previous to this you did @everyone in faction discord to head to a particular location for a meeting as well as then publicly state (in discord) where you'd be hanging around afterwards.

The argument can be made that doing this would be metagame and you yourself were engaging in metagame by willingly offering your location, something im sure you've done before, the only difference being that this time you were pk'ed due to it.

It's also not power game/meta as I previously mentioned since you willingly gave him your location as opposed to refusing or saying: "Call me/find me in game"

Tough Mike PK Appeal - Hue - 09-05-2022

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.