Diverge Networks
Scar's Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Scar's Ban Appeal - Scar - 09-06-2022

Your Name: Scar

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:201578163

Reason for ban: Goodbye

Length of ban: Perma

Reason for appeal (apology): I do apologize for my actions, I did not mean to harm anyone's feelings, especially the Founder/Owner. Now I understand I've been banned for multiple reasons in the past but I do believe calling someone a "Bitch" within a discord I control is fair to a point. I understand I went over the top with actively coming after pendred as well by pinging then again, I was asking a serious question and he took it in a bad way.

Why should you be unbanned?: I should be given an unbanned for owning up for my mistakes. I understand going over the top with this kind of harassment should not go unpunished. Which is why I've reflected upon my self and changed my ways on how I will act with other individuals.

I'm also deeply sorry for the last appeal as well. I understand it was not the best way to go about it which is why I've remade my appeal and hopefully you'll see the better side of me.

RE: Scar's Ban Appeal - Pendred - 09-06-2022

I banned you because you're an egotistical brat who contributes absolutely nothing to this community. I don't like you, nor do I want you in this community, or any other community of mine.

Alongside this, you have a significant number of bans and warnings. Which further proves my point. Don't bother appealing again.