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tyone jackson's pk appeal - Printable Version

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tyone jackson's pk appeal - miff - 09-07-2022

Name of Character: Tyone Jackson

SteamID: 76561199092081907

Date of PK: 9/3/2022

Reason for PK: Killing a public defender.

Why should you be unPK'd?: I should be un pk'd because in the rules it says that Corrupt Government Officials are also subject to PKs if arrested or killed by rival gangs they are working against. (Must have directly harmed/affected you) But I was not killed by a rival gang. Its in the rules that another police officer cannot kill me and pk me. The situation had been handled in a different way and the officer who killed me shouldve tased me from the back.

RE: tyone jackson's pk appeal - savin0 - 09-07-2022

dont unpk this retard he was very corrupt and im pretty sure broke some rules (such as mugging).

RE: tyone jackson's pk appeal - miff - 09-07-2022

i'd like to see some proof of that

RE: tyone jackson's pk appeal - Dutch - 09-08-2022

-1 dude is the dumbest cop ive seen tried to search me and a friend of mine until a LT had to tell him no and still argued until he was forced to leave.
please dont unpk him

RE: tyone jackson's pk appeal - Gabriel Stevenson - 09-08-2022

My guy the rule about no corrupt cops has almost been out since I joined this community in early 2021 and you decided I am not going to read the rules and started being corrupt in many ways Reckless driving, threatening to kill me, and my colleges for reporting him, killed a public defender because he also said he would report him e.t.c. Since you decided that you want to be corrupt it was treated like the old days where if someone is corrupt and caught by another officer and was made into a gun fight and he dies he gets pked which happened. Also if it was treated with modern rules same thing would have happened because your not allowed to be corrupt so your character would have been removed

RE: tyone jackson's pk appeal - Rem - 09-10-2022

That rule only applies to criminals, and they need to make a PK request.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.