Diverge Networks
Exile Appeal - Printable Version

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Exile Appeal - Weber420 - 09-26-2022

Your Name: Sonic Weber/Weber420

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198869556779

Reason for ban: "Mental Health"

Length of ban: Permanent/Exile 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I'm sorry for the words and events I have done in the past 2 years in diverge networks to cause worry about my own safety and mental health during some events or a lot where I would have 
common panic attacks and outbursts during what I call "minge waves" and I know I could've ignored them or avoided doing shit that I thought was right but then came back and got me to where I am now.
I went through alot after the exile and some events changed me and i've been doing alot more new stuff for the past 6 months by hanging out with people like my friends in my town and also take long breaks from garry's mod
or stay away from it mostly after the ban and i've been doing alot of other games that brought the "classic" gamer bark no bite moments but after getting the relief from doing the same shit I have been doing for the past 3 years
during the COVID-19 Pandemic and it hit me hard to have many of the opportunities I missed out on that would get me away from who I was before i've done everything else that have gotten me relaxed and sometimes rage but 
With the stress from work mixed into it and the upcoming college classes at the end of this month (college started 5 weeks ago and doing averagely good so far), I hit my ass hard to get the tuition and supplies gathered during the time and I'm ready. I know what I said that I should've known that would get me booted out without a doubt, but I will admit on that day I was trying to properly suicide rp by saying jumping off word corp but idfk what I said to maroni months ago or if canadian spectated me while it was happening or Maroni told an abridged story to canadian to cause the ban, although these three reasons are just mere speculations and the moments where i almost pked my chars at world corp, it was a scare reaction from my Anxiety but now, well honestly, I feel like I got my stress and Anxiety down enough to handle Diverge rightfully just to ignore the worse and deal with the bad bc the worse is what got me kicked and it was from reacting to what they say or do, again i'm sorry for every or anything else I said or done to cause the reasonable worry for my own wellbeing and you guys were right to exile me but at the same time, I want to be with this community till the end of my college career or till I get a fulltime job and im willing to negotiate any conditions required by all of UA and the founder and manager and longest we talk about it, I'm willing to accept them.

Why should you be unbanned?
I should be unbanned because I think the process of the exile wasn't handled properly but it's for UA and or mostly pendred to decide but with all due respect
I have been around the server for almost since the beginning and almost every of days the servers have been up and open to the public and most of the time, I never gave up easily
to do what I loved and wanted to do all my life and always have been compliant in most situations and honest when I get shit on me and if there's proof of me doing shit, I wouldn't hide or deny any of it,
a video of me saying the shit that got my Nicholas Weber Jr char spared from a pk during one of the "Red Front" events and still till this day im not proud of it, I admit that, and I have learned from it and still do bc I have destroyed pendreds and UAs trust on my strength to handle the server enough to play to hold myself back from doing a common kind of roleplay of which at the time when I got exiled, I was told that suicide rp is banned but most of other people from the server told me otherwise, the words, the only words i've said during when Maroni threatened to have the NYPD to charge me with a felony if I lose a civil lawsuit and he was the Chief of police at the time. So yeah, that's my reason for why I should be unbanned, best I can type from what's coming out of my own head. But yeah, as I said before I'm willing to do any conditions that require me to stay on the server and whatever it is, I'll take it and please don't make it permanent. If it is, then I’d like to talk about it first and see where it goes and with all due respect, it's up to you guys 100% and I reserve no right to contest against the results of this appeal. 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): If you have seen the video already, just know this one was recently typed in just to detail if any of the two of you want, im open to have a discord call or text to talk about what actually happened months back and i just want to share my side to one of you two personally. Weber420#2604 and also heres a youtube video proving that i made this appeal, even though this appeal is old, I felt like I had to add some changes into the appeal than what it looked like in the YouTube video I made to prove that i actually write my own shit to keep this up to date. https://youtu.be/zf-Jis1tfjk

Exile Appeal - Pendred - 09-26-2022

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

You are going to be a target now more than ever, you couldn't handle it before you absolutely will not now.

[Image: wD58vFd.png]