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Salvatore Coppola PK Appeal - Printable Version

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Salvatore Coppola PK Appeal - Luciferleyto - 10-01-2022

Name of Character: Salvatore Coppola

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37855608

Date of PK: 9/30/2022

Reason for PK: Not paying Kickups - Bad name for family - As told by Sammy.

Why should you be unPK'd?: 

I am fairly new to criminal RP but if there's one thing people know about me it's that I am always honest and try my hardest in any RP position I take on. When I was PK'd I genuinely had no idea why and it was very upsetting as I dedicate an extra-mile more than anyone else due to my time zone. I have to wake up sometimes at 6am in order to involve myself in events or engage in good RP, to then be told that I am failing the family is very sad.

I will map a timeline of my kick up payments to assist your judgement:

4-weeks ago I was on LOA so was not expected to pay contribution for that week all weeks before this I had paid on time a total of 25k. The next week after LOA I made a contribution of 30k and also collected and paid a contribution on behalf of someone named "Veli" (Discord - Punished#2898of 25k for that same week (James can confirm this), which in my opinion showed honesty and dedication to the family, as someone else may have stolen the money. I missed the second week sadly, but roughly 2 hours ago I paid last weeks kickups (The only one I have missed ever - James can also confirm this) as well as this weeks kickups and I saved enough money to pay the next 3 weeks Sad

I will now explain my reasoning and why I believe this to be a huge mistake:

I am Australian so it is almost impossible for me to get on at a reasonable time to pay anyone and additionally I do shift work. I work 10 hours 4 times a week. I finish around 4am my time (4pm EST) then sometimes get on to play after work but as you can understand this is quite difficult. But even then I still manage to get online and do my best even with the circumstances gravely stacked against me. This is why I missed 1-week of payment. I think it sucks to PK a character you put hours into over a single week.

But I think the big mistake is I only found out today that we are meant to put our contributions inside a discord channel after we do them. I was under the impression after paying it to a Lieutenant they put it into a database without me needing to do anything further. My proof is that the second I found out today that we had to put our contributions into a channel, I posted it (50k) which hopefully staff can access. I think it is completely unfair to base a PK off a discord channel error. I also found out today that this error is one that many new players make. I was never told to put my kickups in contributions, I was only told to put payments to interns and any expenses we make on behalf of the family. The second I was informed (by James) I put my contribution record in the channel no questions asked.

If a family can base a PK over a logistical error such as this then I don't see the point. If someone had told me or at least tried to speak to me this would had been avoided easily. No one attempted to speak to me about it at all. A PK should be for people who genuinely skip out on their faction, not for people who aren't given all the information and make a mistake as it is a game. Especially when I believe I have worked very hard and done my best for the character and the faction.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I have no way to get any evidence Sad

RE: Salvatore Coppola PK Appeal - Sammy - 10-01-2022

Hello, I was the Admin over the case. It was Don's order. As said in the picture I got, You broke family rules... Kickups apparenlty and did a bad name to the family. The Don of the faction will answer your questions here. The PK is valid for now and was done in the state of the art. So I can only wish you luck.

RE: Salvatore Coppola PK Appeal - Luciferleyto - 10-01-2022

That’s the thing tho. I did pay all my kick ups except when I was on LOA, which I don’t have to pay, then the other was the one I missed by 1 week which I paid anyway.

I think if I was killed because I was late on a single payment that would be unnecessarily harsh. I was never made aware I had to post my kickup in a channel and no one contacted me about any bad behaviour or gave any warning.

I wouldn’t be trying to appeal if I didn’t care about the faction y’know

RE: Salvatore Coppola PK Appeal - Rem - 10-01-2022

Any RP that is involved with the faction is voided. This means you will be removed from the faction, but you cannot be PKed from that faction, but that also means you can't do the same.

Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.