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More Depth to Hits and Murders and Gunrunning - Printable Version

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More Depth to Hits and Murders and Gunrunning - Liam Benelli - 10-01-2022

Something that I have always thought would be a good experience would be to make the hits in game more authentic as to how things would go. One of the jobs that mob men would have in there time was the cleaner the one who did what the others were not smart enough to do. Hits that are done quietly should require much more care such as body disposal, gun disposal, and taking care of evidence such as blood on clothing if the person was shot up close or stabbed or beat to death. Nowadays and even back then guns are given serial numbers which lets them be tracked in case of theft, identification of the weapon, and in case it is used in criminal activity such as murder. This would open up such roleplay actions as buying guns that are already hot or removing the serial number from the gun which would force more in depth gunrunning into the server. You can't just buy a gun from a store and kill someone with it its unrealistic but you can buy a gun that has already been used in a murder or was not purchased by you as your name will not be tied to the serial number. There also is the overseas option which could open up more rackets based in the docks. In the many years of the mob many of the guns that were used were not only made or manufactured in the US but were made overseas or shipped in as parts and pieced together by gunsmiths. One of the pros of this is it is much harder to track several parts than it is to track a gun that is already fully pieced together. The system I suggest is that gunrunning be made to be a covert racket that also makes hits more challenging but in turn more satisfying to commit this as well will give the police more evidence to either miss out on or get to help them in their cases or to build evidence for a larger cases.

Back to my statement earlier about the cleaners as this is a role I wish was more common in this server as to me it seems like a very big part of mob life back in the day. Many hits in the mob although it may be hard to believe as especially during the early days of the mob under bosses such as Alphonse Capone, Lucky Luciano, Carlo Gambino, Paul Castellano, and Frank Lucas men who would have their hits carried out in the streets and would leave bodies piling up in the street most of the hits were done quietly and were never discovered because of the cleaners.
What were the cleaners job you may ask well their job was pretty self explanatory although it may sound simple it was actually quite complicated. Their job was to deal with any evidence such as the body, the murder weapon, blood, clothing used during the hit as this would most definitely me contaminated with things like blood, saliva, bone fragments , cuts in the clothing or signs of a struggle, and powder marks from the weapon being fired this would most likely be found along the sleeve of the suit, jacket, or even along the hand or arm if used recently without being washed off. These cleaners were masters of their work in ditching evidence especially bodies some would tie cinderblocks to their feet and drop them in a body of water most likely the ocean. Dockworkers especially fishing dock workers have chum machines to grind meat and bone into fishfood which makes the Fishing dock in game usable for body disposal. Some would lock the bodies in trucks and roll the car in the ocean or lake. Incinerators were to be used in garbage dumps or junkyards as the police cannot identify ash as a body. There was also burying but this was very dangerous as the cops did have corpse dogs who would find them buried unless they were very deep in the ground.
Adding this would not only add in depth to the mob hits adding more roles and roleplay to the whole experience. But also increase the realism and risk/reward system that is being in the mob. Life was not easy for these men and it required quick thinking and cunning to survive in the life that was the mob. This would also add more legal charges and more evidence for cops and detectives in the server which would make it much more interesting to investigate murder cases or hits. Keep in mind some hits will go completely unnoticed if capos, soldiers, or whoever is carrying out the hit is careful and smart about their hit. This wont exactly make hits harder but require you to think more than just "take him in a dark corner and shoot him in the back of the head". It will make not just the hits more Satisfying but make the cops jobs more interesting in my opinion this will make the server more in depth, more interesting, and more realistic to the life that mobsters like Sammy the Bull, John Gotti, and many others lived.