Diverge Networks
Huncho#0455 Staff app - Printable Version

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Huncho#0455 Staff app - mase7z - 10-03-2022

In-Game Name(s): Danny O'Brien, Daquan "D Roy" Von, Marco Perez and Deffery "V-2" Cranmah
Steam Name: Donny The Dealer
Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198279740603/
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:159737437
Discord Username: Huncho#0455
Age: 19
Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 1mo 1w 3d 4h 17m.
Server you spend the most time on (Miami/New York): Southside, But also spend some of my time on Union as im a faction leader over there

Time Zone: GMT/BST

How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 4-6 hours a day.

Have you read the rules?: Yes

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand): Yes, I do

Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No

Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes
Long Answer
Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum.

What is your motivation/reason for applying?:  * I want to become staff because I have been playing the server for a while now and I can say with honesty that I enjoy this server. I see the bright future this server holds and I would like to be a part of what it can become. I see that during the time I play the server that staff are not on in abundance due to the time zone difference and would like to help add more EU staff to the team. I also want to become staff because I want to do genuine good for the server and be there to provide the help needed to new and experienced players. I want people who play this server to be welcomed and shown a level of respect that they deserve while playing and I think I could do a good job in doing so. Being staff is a very strenuous thing to do at certain times so if I can help other staff relax a little by helping with the amount of load they have to endure then I would personally enjoy the experience. Staffing on this server would be awesome in my opinion because I already really like this server and have had a great time playing and that's why I want to help make this community a better place for people of all ages to come and enjoy.

Why should you be considered over other candidates?:  *The reason I think I should be considered for staff is because I am very active on the server so I would be able to staff for quite a bit of time. I also think I should be considered over other candidates because of the fact that I would be able to staff during EU times which would add a more variety of staff for different time zones. I’m able to say truthfully that I will do honest and good staffing work, I will act as a staff member when interacting with players. I will conduct myself accordingly by following rules which will be my priority. I’ll be available on discord when somebody has a question or requests something from me. I will be honest and unbiased towards my friends or people I know and like as staffing is my number one priority. I will be fair and just during the sites I take and the punishments I give out. If I’m given this opportunity to become staff I will not let the upper management of the server down and will not take the responsibility lightly.

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): None

Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Yes I have, I was banned three times but I promise you I’m not a bad person. I was banned for item transferring, LTARP, and NITRP but the last one was over two years ago. I promise I’m not a bad person. I have changed my ways and I hope that you give me a chance to prove I am a changed man.

Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?:  * I wouldn’t say i’m super well known but people in the community might know who I am. People generally tell me that I am very charismatic. I have also been told i’m very chill and honest with people which I guess depending on how you look at it could be a good and bad thing to be honest. I have people that would vouch for me and would say that I am a decent person to talk to. I have been told that I am very welcoming and would be considered a good tutor to new players and people. I have also been told that for some reason I am very approachable which I guess is a good thing. With all of this in mind I really hope you give me the chance to be staff and show you that although I have a troubled past I am a changed person and would love to prove that so.
Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: KOSS Evolution
Problem Solving
Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take.

Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: Well first off I would switch over to my staff character and go on duty, after which I would then claim the ticket and would teleport the person to a roof. Once the person is there I would ask the said individual what happened and if they have an proof of what took place. If they state yes I would then proceed to examine the evidence presented and would determine whether or not the person is in the wrong. After which I would then bring the person in question to me and would ask them why they killed them. After hearing them out and finding out they rdmed I would then look at their previous history to determine what kind of punishment they deserve.

You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would politely ask them to not abuse the power they have been bestowed, and if they decided to continue to abuse I would then start recording evidence to present to UA for them to deal with the matter internally.

RE: Huncho#0455 Staff app - KOSS Evolution - 10-03-2022

+1 very good guy, very helpful and honestly great at rp.

RE: Huncho#0455 Staff app - BBean - 10-03-2022

+1 Very Good roleplayer. Havent had any issues with him. Smart fella. Very Kind


RE: Huncho#0455 Staff app - Zane - 10-04-2022

+1 Very chill guy and he great at RP

RE: Huncho#0455 Staff app - Simon - 10-04-2022

Great roleplayer and all around very sensible / reliable guy.

RE: Huncho#0455 Staff app - savin0 - 10-05-2022

-1 this guy is cartel

RE: Huncho#0455 Staff app - Kody - 10-06-2022

-1 Broke a promise

RE: Huncho#0455 Staff app - Tsar Payne - 10-06-2022

+1 good man and big Dick

RE: Huncho#0455 Staff app - Liam Benelli - 10-08-2022

+1 Very good guy friendly and helpful

RE: Huncho#0455 Staff app - Wickers - 10-08-2022

Good Kid