Diverge Networks
Toast ban appeal - Printable Version

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Toast ban appeal - GenericToast - 10-12-2022

Your Name: GenericToast

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:92518836

Reason for ban: Mass RDM 

Length of ban: Perma

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I used to play this server a lot about a year ago and then I had a lot of shit come up and I decided to quit the server. I got myself banned by shooting up a convention thing and during and afterward when I was talking with an admin I was supposed to get a sentenced ban but I asked for a perma and so I got what I asked for as I didn't think I would come back. But I have a good amount of free time now and I really miss the server and community and I would like to come back. I miss the people who played the server and this server created some of my best memories playing Gmod and I want to come back to create some more memories.

Why should you be unbanned? I think that I can be one more player on the server that would add onto the experience, and I would actually do my part (Cheesy I know). But I've been craving Gmod and to be honest most of the other Gmod servers blows nowadays and its not the same as it was years ago. I did a shitty thing and ruined the experience for some people in that moment but I'm hoping I can get another chance on the server. I'm not asking for forgiveness or anything as I know you guys take this shit pretty seriously but I just want to try my best to show you guys that I will do my best to prove myself. 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Sorry, don't got any

(edit - rewrote shit because I did it while high the first time and I didn't explain myself fully)

Toast ban appeal - Rem - 10-15-2022

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.