Diverge Networks
zef's Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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zef's Ban Appeal - zef - 01-15-2021

Your Name: zef

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:239821173

Reason for ban: Stealing Business PAC3

Length of ban: 7 Days

Reason for Appeal: So basically I got PKd by a cop and made a different character with the same nick name 'Wiseguy' and I didn't know this rule existed where I couldn't sell my PACS if I got PKd so i posted a advert advertising the store and went to bed. I wake up and see I'm banned for a week, During the time I made a new character i haven't sold a single PAC and I'm asking for a unban or a shorter time I'll stop the PAC3 business if needed and delete the discord and do no sales from this point on but i have one question, Am i allowed to open another PAC3 Business under a new name and discord? I honestly didn't know i wasn't allowed to do this and I am deeply sorry for what I have done and I understand why I was banned now, I wont do this again i promise you, Thank you for taking the time out of your day tor read this

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): The Ban https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/769400990645747762/799730180389339137/unknown.png?width=306&height=182

RE: zef's Ban Appeal - ayo - 01-16-2021

“There are legal ways to make money”

*guy makes legal business*

*guy gets banned*

Stealing PACs should be labeled as scamming and have PK risk no matter how much or how many they’ve sold.

RE: zef's Ban Appeal - zef - 01-16-2021

Oh by the way I want to make it clear I didn't steal anything. I just made a new character and continued advertising my Boutique (PAC STORE) and got banned while i was sleeping with no warning or without anyone telling me I can't do that and I could shut down the store.

RE: zef's Ban Appeal - Wish - 01-16-2021

Alright ill unban you. Make sure when you get PKed that you scrap you business because legally the owner was killed. You have to create a new one with a different name. Also, im not sure if you knew this or did this but in order to run a business you need to register with the Office of Commerce or apply on the forums.