Diverge Networks
Noodle Daddy Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Noodle Daddy Ban Appeal - Bableves121 - 11-08-2022

  1. Hi my english is no good but i try my best to get unban. First i get 2 day ban for Punch Minge | RDM | POx1 . i wanna play an other server on my alt account but i accedentli join on maffia rp and i cant cancelit so i get the permentban. And im realy sorry for that and i wanna play on the server with my friend its a realy nice server. GARRYS MOD NAME:Andrew Jons Steam name is bab_leves2

RE: Noodle Daddy Ban Appeal - Hue - 11-08-2022

Please use the proper format.


Noodle Daddy Ban Appeal - Rem - 11-09-2022

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules