Diverge Networks
PK Appeal - J. Vargas - Printable Version

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PK Appeal - J. Vargas - Spc369 - 11-18-2022

Name of Character: Julian Vargas

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9297940

Date of PK: Thursday November 17th 2022

Reason for PK: Don Order for an OOC matter

Why should you be unPK'd?: The staff involved made a mistake. The PK did not follow Diverge Network PK Rules and Guidelines. Nobody has the power to PK a Character for an OOC matter that transpired in an OOC channel of a discord. There is no rule that states "Dons reserve the right to PK anyone for any reason" .. The character in question did nothing IC that would warrant a PK by the rules and guidelines. Evidence must be presented for a PK to transpire. No evidence could have been provided in this matter due to the dispute being OOC, in a discord channel.  I shall provide the PK rules that pertain to "inner-factional" PKs, in order to support my claim for this dispute. (I've made highlights ** and notations that support my appeal)

Family Member Kills

When joining a criminal faction all users understand and partake in the risk of being PK'ed as is the nature of being a criminal. Members of a faction who break their ***IC code of conduct*** (let us note that the rules pertain to In-Character Codes of Conduct) or run risk to the faction can be ordered killed by the faction leader. See below.

○ Inner-family issues should be handled by the Don of the family and should not always result in murder.

***If they’re in your family, they must have done something to directly harm the family, yourself, or another member of the family.
■ (Ex: Harm in a physical, or financial way. There has to be tangible damages. You can not PK over hurt pride or a bruised ego)***

----The above Clearly States that direct harm must be made to the family in some way. One cannot harm a Role Play faction in a video game, without Role Playing In that Game. The people running the Faction didn't like something I said in an OOC Discord Channel. This looks like a PK over Bruised Ego or Hurt Pride, in direct violation of PK Guidelines----

The person in question, must have repeatedly done something to directly harm you, the family, or another member of the family.

----This states that it must be a repeated offense, not a one time deal----

Unwarranted Harm in a financial (+7,500$) or repeated physical way, there has to be tangible damages, disrespect is not a reason to kill someone. This also means you cannot PK someone JUST for up one time. (lets simmer on that, again it must be repeated behavior and has to be something more than Disrespect) Having continued issues or warnings about behaviour or disputes can cause escalation to a PK. (Be sure to record all encounters/transgressions)

----There is no recorded evidence of any In-Character harm conducted by my character (nor any dispute whatsoever in game), none was provided and none can be provided that supports a PK----

■ Collaborating or potentially collaborating with Government / Law enforcement agencies to take harm the faction.

● Examples: They knowingly assaulted a fellow member, siding with a rival gang to harm yourself or your gang, or knowingly bring harm onto another member.

■ Financially harmed yourself or another member of the gang (+7,500$)
● Examples: If they withheld money, robbed a fellow member, or did something to directly harm the gang in a financial way.

■ Actively betraying the gang.
● Examples: Intentionally ratting to the police, Intentionally setting the gang up to be attacked by rivals, or intentionally giving away gang secrets to a rival in an attempt to profit.

■ As a means of self-preservation
● If the member knowingly causes an issue with a larger gang, or other organized crime group, and you desire to avoid a war you may work it out with said rival gang or organized crime group to instead kill the cause of the strife. This is not an opportune reason, but it is a valid reason.
● If they have left the gang/family without approval from the leader, while holding the position of made man+ (or appropriate equivalent), they may be subject to a PK. Entry level associates who are not made or deeply committed to the organization may leave without harm as their position is low and they know very little. (Security, waiters, doormen, drivers, etc) <You will be asked to provide evidence of rank> This does not apply if they have partaken in criminal actions, drug manufacturing/murder/robbery/etc. Generally under most don's orders.

You may be asked to provide proof of these claims.

■ Attempted Mutiny or ‘takeover’ of a gang must be approved by a member of UA

Permanent Kill Valid Reasons:

● General
You must be able to prove your claims to the Administrator, either by video/pictures or if an Administrator witnessed the reason itself.

● A valid reason is required for all PK’s. A PK’s approval is entirely dependent on the reason given, if you give a weak reason such as “he disrespected me” then your PK will not be approved. A list of some valid reasons, but not all are as follows:

■ The person in question, must have repeatedly done something to directly harm you, your family, or another member of your family. Unwarranted Harm in a financial (+7,500$) or repeated physical way, there has to be tangible damages, disrespect is not a reason to kill someone. This also means you cannot PK someone JUST for being part of an enemy faction. Having continued gunfights, scams or warnings about territory, money or other continued violent disputes can cause escalation to a PK. (Be sure to record all encounters/transgressions)

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: The rules above, highlighted and annotated, show that the PK did not follow the guidelines. There is no all encompassing "Don Orders" as some like to assume. It's not in the rules, it isn't valid, and it does not exist. The rules are written for a reason. Regardless of who you are, you must follow them. A community cannot function without the rules in place and supported by the Founder and UA. 

RE: PK Appeal - J. Vargas - Mascotics - 11-18-2022

Hello. First of all, Pendred has said that the Don of a Faction has the right to place Don's Orders on a family member for any reason. I suppose you missed that screenshot that I shared. I will share it here as well.

[Image: image.png]

Also, your PK was because you wanted to leave the family (and asked for it). You have too much valuable information about this family and high enough of a rank to walk freely with no repercussions. I offered you a chance to walk freely, though, and you told me "Eat me". I'll also provide this reference. This has been an ongoing issue with you since you've joined. When you feel someone "disrespects" you, you throw a temper tantrum and start shooting off at the mouth to anyone - especially those above you in rank and seniority. We've tried to mediate this problem with you over and over again, but you continue to display the same behaviors. 

[Image: P6LuLyX.png]

[Image: CwTvcU8.png]

Then you proceeded to throw a bigger temper tantrum and blew up mine and several other family member's DM's with over 50 messages to each of us with your ranting and raving - including personal threats. I not only believe you should remain PK'd, but also banned. Especially after also admitting to potential metagaming after the fact.

[Image: RgAoLVr.png]

You have shown that you are not mentally capable enough to handle a server such as this nature, in my honest opinion.

RE: PK Appeal - J. Vargas - ZOOMER - 11-18-2022

Hello, as stated from he screenshot, faction leaders reserve the right to PK faction members for whatever reason as long as it is valid.

On another note, when joining a criminal faction, a prompt would appear ingame warning users regarding such an action.

[Image: image.png]

Thank you for taking the time to create an appeal. If you have any further questions or inquiries, feel free to contact us directly or via a support ticket on the Diverge Discord server.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.