Diverge Networks
from 6 hours to PK - Printable Version

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from 6 hours to PK - DrDarkness - 11-24-2022

Your Name: DrDarknessTV#9423

Your SteamID https://steamcommunity.com/id/DrDarknessTV/

Reason for ban: alt??

Length of ban: permanent 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute and apology

Why should you be unbanned?
Look guys I have playtime on the server but I'm overall new to Gmod. Mafia RP is the absolute only thing I've really played on there. I made an unban request for a 6 hour ban. While I waited to hear back I tried to play on my other steam. I DID NOT KNOW THAT WAS AGAINST THE RULES. Like I said I'm new to Gmod. I really do apologize.. I wasn't taking things as seriously as I should've. I will not make the same mistakes. I'm a good person to have in the server, I'm friendly and RP well with everyone. I don't hurt people. I just really don't think I deserve being permanently banned for something that was originally 6 hours. I'm new to this whole RP thing in general please help me. Do not let me be perma banned... I haven't played in months and its the only game I'd like to play now that I'm finally home. Please. Thanks for considering my request.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):


RE: from 6 hours to PK - Pendred - 11-24-2022


RE: from 6 hours to PK - DrDarkness - 11-24-2022

How? Lol I've never played anything like this before I didn't know it was like that. But if that's what I'm gonna get out of this then I'll just forget about it. Thanks anyways

RE: from 6 hours to PK - Canadian-bacon - 11-24-2022

Re appeal when you realize what you do has consequences and you have to take responsibility for your actions. I.e. Sorry for what you did, not that you got caught.

from 6 hours to PK - Canadian-bacon - 11-24-2022

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules